CarrionCrow: I don't really watch much television, even with the new satellite provider and a trial offer on something like 50 movie channels.
As it stands, I already have a huge Netflix backlog to go with my GOG backlog.
Think I'll end up taking your advice and go from smaller to larger. A focused effort will make a bigger dent, and that's always a good thing. Thank you. =)
Additional - Interesting trivia. Did you know that the entirety of your wishlist could cost $510.68 to complete?
Stilton: Sheesh. No wonder I wait for sales.... Seeing it all in one lump sum like that is a tad scary, but when you think about the months of pleasure these things give it doesn't seem so bad. Still, that's quite a sum.
Yeah, a straight 50 percent off across the board drops it down to 255.34.
Mine's a hell of a lot worse. -laughs-
You're right, you do get months and months of enjoyment out of them.
A more favorable way of breaking it down would be - 32 games, 20 hours per game play time (low-ball estimate for some, high-ball for others), so that's 640.
Rounding up a bit, that puts your ratio of cost to enjoyment at 80 cents an hour. Not bad. =)