LaPtiteBete: Hi everybody !!!!
I wish you (again ?) a very merry Christmas, and happy holidays to all of you
** XMas Hug **
Hope you're doing well and that Santa Claus gave you all that you wished (or at least, all that you deserved, heehee)...
I've spent all day and eves in our families... that was cool. Even if we've eaten far too much and too long :D
How are you, folks ??
Merry Christmas!
**Ultimate XMas hug of epic happiness**
My sister and her family came to our house last night to open gifts and have some cookies. It got a little crazy, but it wasn't too bad.
Today has been very nice. I woke up to see the first snow since May, and I found a wonderful gift from moony in my inbox. :-)
I spent most of the morning playing Blackwell episode 3 (Thank you again so much! :D Have some more +1's.)
My Mom cooked a delicious dinner, and I am now recovering from eating too much.
Pretty good day, but I'm looking forward to some sleep. :-)