moonshineshadow: Don't know about that, health system is different here, but have some *comforting hugs*
EBToriginal: The best part is I have multiple sets of the paperwork done and turned in already and they keep dragging their feet on one side so they can say somethi else needs to be redone. It's standard operating procedure for anthem blue cross in California to be shitty until the state Supreme Court tells them to stop. And then they go to the next person and repeat the process.
Ah, one of the rewards of running everything like a business. Healthcare should really not be run "like a business", anywhere in the world. The Public Sector must be separate from the Private Sector, and it is the Public Sector that oversees the business interests, for protecting the interests of everyone.
Civics is the administration of people and society. whilst the interests of Business is wholly unscrupulous. There has never been a time in human history when business leaders could be trusted. That is why contracts were invented and governing bodies and laws were formed to enforce those contracts.
The nature of business interests is primarily to pursue profits, and is wholly unscrupulous, without regulations or a threat of prosecution for crimes that might be committed. Which, with all the business leaders getting into political positions and making appointments of their other business associates into positions as Judges and Attorney Generals, the private sector has all but eliminated civics from society. They have even gone into Educational Institutions from kindergarten to college, and removed civics from the curriculums.
When Government provides a service, the administrative costs are 3 to 5% of operations. When services are privatized the administrative costs are 30 to 40%, and the revenue goes mostly to the top executives, as they try to find ways to cheat their workers and consumers to give themselves higher salaries and bonuses.
By the by, I'm in Southern California.
(just practicing for when I write a letter to Congress, soon and to the Corporate State media talking heads)...