LaPtiteBete: Indeed. I have 4 pages of reading late right now... +__+
Could you just stop talking for about 37,28 minutes, pleaaaaase !.....
innocuous77: I can do that... take your time
I have 3 hours to talk... 35 pages to read, and 14 hours of youtube to find interesting things.
Oh, and 3 "gotcha' experiments.
That's just for Thursday... for one class.
CarrionCrow: Not quite sure what you're referring to.
One thing you might find of interest - they're selling Gabriel Knight 20th Anniversary this Insomnia. Picked it up yesterday at some point.
innocuous77: Thank you ... bought it pre
I forgot... things in Australia will kill me.
There are things in every country that can kill you. Goes hand-in-hand with the whole being alive thing. -laughs-