The forum ain't working for me so well. Let's see if this gets trhough.
Edit: Seemed like it had a minor hiccup.
j0ekerr: I'm a bit sad to see how few people seem to be left without a copy of both Witchers, no one has even staked a claim yet.
FoxySage: I gave my Witcher 2 key to a friend of mine since he didn't have the game yet.
I'm going to have to do that as well.
adaliabooks: Coconut Ice Cream bars? There's definitely something wrong with you :P
FoxySage: Only thing that is wrong with him is that he isn't eating salmiak ice cream. :P
EndreWhiteMane: Geez, I like coconut and bananas, I'm a serious minority around here. OK, might as well tell ya, I like Spinach too, raw, frozen, canned, yum!
<And they all move away on the bench>
FoxySage: I like those aswell. I also like pistachio ice cream.
Frozen spinach from a can? That is weird. I prefer my spinach fresh.
Canned spinach gives you super-strength. Don't you
know anything?
j0ekerr: A friend just wazzup'd me. Wants to play some PoE.
FoxySage: Path of Exile?
Indeed, excellent work, have a cookie and a +1