Vnlr: I have developed a defensive strategy against our cat's vile shemes. It is a simple and effective one, and if you have a few housemates, you can apply it too.
Quite simply put, always give the cat treats, grovel before her and don't restrict her freedom in any way, leave that to your housemates, eg my mother gets wild when the cat jumps on the table or gets into the bathroom; the thing to do then is, when no one else is near, have a pillow lying ready on the table and leave the bathroom door open, and make sure the cat sees you opening it and leaving for her to enter to her heart's content, and make sure she sees you putting the pillow down on the table too.
Also, don't disturb the cat in any way. If she's lying on a sofa where she's not supposed to lie, leave her there, and if she tolerates it, stroke her head and mumble her name softly. Leave the chasing of to your housemates, and act all surprised as if you didn't know the cat was there to save your own skin.
When it's dinner time, always allow the cat to sniff your plate, and if there's something there that interests her, be sure to treat her with it at your own expense, remember this is a game of life and death!
These strategies really work quite well, and I have found the cat has more tolerance for me than for my housemates. When it's night, she always lies down at my belly, I get to tummy rub more often, and she doesn't ambush me from behind corners as much.
One time she went as far as sneaking under the covers while I was sleeping, and spending the night there, lying against me snoring contentedly.
Be sure to keep this up as long as you or the cat live, one mistake could see all your hard groveling work be in vain!
I'm heading out, but I had to log in to respond to this.
Best post on the internet on any subject ever. In the history of time. Ever.
I meow down to you and leave you with this...