Posted February 26, 2015
CarrionCrow: Come on, it's not that bad. I mean, sure, you need a controller...and then you need the patience to not hurl the controller through your monitor....but still, you beat Dark Souls! Meat Boy can't be that hard by comparison. =)
j0ekerr: Dark souls can be frustratingly difficult it is true. But that is only until you finally understand the game mechanics (look up shield stability, it's not explained anywhere in the game, and yet it is VITAL) AND you get the timing right, at which point you start backstabbing and parrying every single bastard in the game, except for those that can't be. It's cruel but fair, I hear that super meat boy is about as fair as the Wehrmacht invading P... ooops!
moonshineshadow: Yeah that might be the reason. Still it is strange and messy what is going on here.
j0ekerr: Name any legal situation that isn't a mess, by definition, they all are. And paraphrasing our good friend Crow. They could be trying to stay under the radar of the moral morons, of which every country has ample supply.
Fortunately no one seems to take them seriously in mine. I mean, 25 years ago, and still fresh from a dictatorship that almost bordered on theocratic, a bad italian singer showed her boobs on TV. Not only were the moral morons completely ignored, people demanded more footage of the nipple slippage. I find it funny that when they tried the "think of the children" card, they were replied with, "nothing any kid hasn't seen already."
It's just really goddamn hard.
You end up learning about angles, trajectories, what velocity and what jump power, at what angle, will send you through safely versus getting you splattered.
And if you go bandage and warp zone hunting, you get to add extreme observation skills testing on top of that. -laughs-
Also, if you're like me, you'll end up getting some really annoying episodes of pain in the base of your right thumb. =)
Post edited February 26, 2015 by CarrionCrow