ddickinson: I am glad to hear you are doing a little better today.
The Mafia game was fun, even if I am not to good at it. I see you are signed up for the next game, so hopefully you will get your chance to survive longer. How many games have you played? And how many times have you won?
You survived to the end, that's not bad :)
I think you did just fine, it takes a while to get into it I think.
That was my third, two town wins and one scum loss so far. It's a lot of fun, but I tend to "Go full town" as it was put and make myself a NK target too early... must keep a handle on that next game XD
EndreWhiteMane: Is the evening shift online now?
Geez, it's so cold and snowy outside it's frozen my optic nerve to my rectum.
Got a real shitty outlook on life. :/
Hey Endre, sorry the weather is shit there :(
Just cold and wet here, no snow.