LaPtiteBete: LOL ^__^ ...
Snow : 1 - Agent : 0 AgentBirdnest: LOL... Sad, but true :-P
It's not as bad as the time I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk, and then the sun came out and melted everything an hour later >:-(
Sun : 1 - Agent : 0 ... (but I'll get back at that shiny little f***er one day...)
LOL !!
So, in two words :
Weather : 2 - Agent : 0 ddickinson: Good morning, Owl!
*return happy hug* My partner is still alive, it is just a cold thankfully. :-)
I had you down as a cool kid, so you are welcome to all the hugs you would like. *hug*
If I could have shared them, I would have definitely cooked extra cookies for everyone here. I probably wouldn't have put a love heart on the ones for the forum, but they still would have tasted lovely. :-)
Glad you're not an assassin. ^^
Thanks for the hugs !!!
**Happy thankful Hug** And, no doubt they would have tasted great !! :-D can't you send us some by air mail ? ;-p
ddickinson: Those must be some awesome muffins :-). How many muffins will you need to bake for you dad's work?
moonshineshadow: I am not sure how many. But a lot :D
My mum and I will discuss the details tomorrow evening so that she can do the shopping. That gives me this evening to check my two muffin baking books and make a pre-selection :D
Very nice program... Family photo shoot... muffins... Hmmm... :-D
l0rdtr3k: My dad's doing fine. Also,today I was speaking to one of colleges from work and she said that I'm incredably adorkable ^W^
You hugged her, I hope !? ;-p