LaPtiteBete: Great !!! \o/
(Thanks for not breaking any of my ribs ',',',',' :-|)
**Another extra tight hug because we didn't see each other for the entire weekend ** We definitely missed you, Endre tends to get a bit too carried away when you are not here, it must be your mothering instinct that keeps him in check. He has since released his nurses and is now collecting cheerleaders. :-)
Ragnarblackmane: Well it was meant tongue-in-cheek, didn't think it would be putting you out:P
I know you did, I meant my comment as a jovial reply.
EndreWhiteMane: Had to look up the word 'manners', seems very complicated. ;)
It is, especially if you take it to the extreme. But it's not too bad, for the most part it's just common decency towards people. :-)