Posted December 23, 2014

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 23, 2014

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted December 23, 2014
Just after 11:00 here. I've got work in the A.M., so up at 5:30.
I didn't realize you were a west coaster. For some reason I thought somewhere east.
I didn't realize you were a west coaster. For some reason I thought somewhere east.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 23, 2014

I didn't realize you were a west coaster. For some reason I thought somewhere east.
It's okay. -laughs- Same difference, ultimately. If I had more sense, I'd be trying to sleep regardless of time zone. ;)

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted December 23, 2014
Well, I'm done for the night. As long as my kid sleeps through the night, I can get a solid six hours of sleep.

Registered: May 2011
From United States

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted December 23, 2014
Good morning all!
If anyone's still here that is.
Has anyone else noticed GoG seems to have secretly updated the forum a bit?
I no longer get a blank line on the start of a new post, and on the community page I noticed a forum replies notification above the wishlist box that I'd never seen before...
Might we be getting some of the improvements we've been hollering for for ages?
If anyone's still here that is.
Has anyone else noticed GoG seems to have secretly updated the forum a bit?
I no longer get a blank line on the start of a new post, and on the community page I noticed a forum replies notification above the wishlist box that I'd never seen before...
Might we be getting some of the improvements we've been hollering for for ages?

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 23, 2014
I'll have what she's having.
CarrionCrow: The beauty of Black Dog Game Factory - the developers actively making fun of such players, even while those players have presumably paid money for the books in which they're made fun of. =)
Would check to see how moddable that version is, first and foremost. Without those mods (which amount to an ongoing multi-gig unofficial patch for all the broken crap), the game is a clusterfucked mess. Just checked, and people talk about installing and using any number of mods on the community page, so there seems to be no problems on its moddability.
My wallet is already whimpering.

Would check to see how moddable that version is, first and foremost. Without those mods (which amount to an ongoing multi-gig unofficial patch for all the broken crap), the game is a clusterfucked mess.
My wallet is already whimpering.
Post edited December 23, 2014 by j0ekerr

The Wallflower
Registered: Nov 2011
From Denmark
Posted December 23, 2014
Good morning everyone. :)
Quick question; could someone tell me how good a game The Nations are, and how it compares to the Settlers series? Considered to get it as a gift for my father since he loves playing Settlers 2 and enjoys Settlers III and IV.
Quick question; could someone tell me how good a game The Nations are, and how it compares to the Settlers series? Considered to get it as a gift for my father since he loves playing Settlers 2 and enjoys Settlers III and IV.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted December 23, 2014
Good morning everyone :-)
No. I have had many strange bugs with the forum, but this never happened to me. Congrats on finding a new weird bug ;-P
No. I have had many strange bugs with the forum, but this never happened to me. Congrats on finding a new weird bug ;-P

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted December 23, 2014
Good morning, everyone!
I hope you are all doing okay and are all ready for a visit from Father Christmas. :-)
HypersomniacLive: On a more serious note, I generally try to be respectful about such things, but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable by being too respectful, so I'll try to be carefully playful. :-) I can't speak for others, but I would find no disrespect in what you say, so you really shouldn't worry about it. If I don't let it bother me, then neither should you.
So you have no female friends who are just friends? Are you guys really that inclined to make everything about sex? And there I was thinking the whole "men thinking about sex every six seconds" thing was a myth. :-)
Or maybe you are trying to imply you are so attractive that the ladies just can't resist jumping on you the first chance they get. It must be so hard being a sex-god. ;-)
I have noticed some changes, like the syntax not being formatted when I reply. It used to indent the message, now it's all left aligned with no margin.
I hope you are all doing okay and are all ready for a visit from Father Christmas. :-)

So you have no female friends who are just friends? Are you guys really that inclined to make everything about sex? And there I was thinking the whole "men thinking about sex every six seconds" thing was a myth. :-)
Or maybe you are trying to imply you are so attractive that the ladies just can't resist jumping on you the first chance they get. It must be so hard being a sex-god. ;-)
I have noticed some changes, like the syntax not being formatted when I reply. It used to indent the message, now it's all left aligned with no margin.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted December 23, 2014

I hope you are all doing okay and are all ready for a visit from Father Christmas. :-)
You mean "Has anyone noticed the increase in bugs on the gog forum?" ;-) I would not call it updated since seeing all the new problems that are posted it seems for me that it just made more of a mess :D

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted December 23, 2014
Isn't that the same thing? GOG tends to break a lot of things when they try to "update" something. :-)

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted December 23, 2014

ok you are right :-) I tend to normally think that updates improve things but yeah I should adjust my definition of that :D