moonshineshadow: I have to admit I like the small city I am living in now and I would not want to go back to the really really small village I grew up in. I do not like big cities but a small one can be quite nice because of shopping posibilites, the public transport system and stuff. But I also live an the edge of the small city, next to some forest and a small river :D
Regarding the fruit and vegetables I think you are really lucky. I try to get a lot of stuff labeled as "Bio" since that means it was produced locally and without all this chemical stuff and these fruits and vegetables taste much better than the normal ones. And it seems like more people are thinking like me since the offerings of such Bio products is growing since there are more and more people who are willing to pay extra for something like this :-)
I have always lived in a nice quiet farming community (except for when I was a student), so I am used to small villages and rural live. There are some nice woods, national parks, lakes, rivers, meadows, mountains, the place is just wonderful. I had such fun growing up with all the place to explore.
Many people are trying to eat more natural foods now. I think as people try more natural foods, they are tasting the difference and are willing to pay a little bit more. They are also tired of all the additives, salt, sugar, and all the other stuff getting added to food, even when it's not even needed. It's shocking how many chemicals are added to food these days. It's also nice that local farmers and growers are benefiting, as previously it was seen as too expensive, but people are starting to see the time and effort put into it and are choosing quality locally grown produce, rather than just some corporation using third world labour and importing the food from another country.
moonshineshadow: I tried caring for flowers but that was no good. Now I am trying to grow some kitchen herbs :D The first to tries failed but since there is this saying that all good things come in three (don't know how this exactly is translated to English) perhaps the next try will turn out fine :D
We have that saying over here, but it also applies to bad things coming in threes as well, sadly. Flowers can be hard to grow, it all depends on how much sunlight and how much water. Some need direct sunlight, others need shade. Some need lots of water, others need very little. My partner is wonderful at growing flowers, especially in the garden during the warmer months. But keep trying if it's something you enjoy, the good thing about the internet is there is a wealth of information that could help you pick the right flowers for your region and give you some good tips on how to grow them.
adaliabooks: Morning all.
Been busy again I see.
How is everyone today? It's freezing here, not much going on yet but we have a few errands to run later and things to do to get ready for work this weekend.
Good morning! *stands next to Moon and waves*
I hope the weather will be a bit warmer for you by the weekend, but I guess if it's cold then people will love a nice warm slice of pizza. :-)