ddickinson: You see, picking on someone with a disability, just like a true bully. ;-)
(Dyslexia can be so annoying, I tell my brain to type something and it does something else. The strange thing is that I try to proof read things before I post, and my brain just ignores the wrong words, I think it enjoys watching me make mistakes like this :-). Although, most of the time it's due to me being on a mobile device and the damn auto-correcting text feature messing it up.)
Oops, sorry didn't think it might be due to dyslexia. :/
FWIW, my brain most times ignores any spelling errors others make, and reads what was meant to be written, I just picked that one up because it looked funny "to to".
I also do my spelling with the eye, if you know what I mean. My eyes always tell me that I've misspelled something, even when I'm not 100% sure where exactly the error is. Don't know if there's a scientific explanation for it.
ddickinson: [...]
As soon as I get rid of Dragon Commander, I will hold you to this challenge!
LOL, that should be interesting. There's no way on earth, heaven or hell that that game ends up on my shelf, so - challenge accepted!
ddickinson: [...]
Who said anything about us being married? If anything, we have been compared to The Odd Couple, who are of course, room mates. I don't know why all you guys seem to jump on the marriage wagon. Anyone would think that you think men and women can't just be friends. :-)
Don't mind them, they're obviously jealous. ;-)
*makes note: DD admits being friends on Dec 23, 2014*