CarrionCrow: Have those games hit a certain degree of saturation?
Ixamyakxim: In a vacuum, I'd probably snatch I-War 2 up in a second (I came close last time it was on sale, and that was before my shiny new flightstick...).
But I've been hmmmmming and hawwwwwwing on Caribbean. On the one hand, the previous buggy unfinished pirate game I played was also one of my favorites of all time. Plus, by biting the bullet I might be helping others (and myself!) eventually get to play an awesome fully featured game. Or worst case I might get a shot at playing the game before it's pulled (some of the "this is really an alpha / beta like build" has me nervous this could happen!).
On the other hand (and I know I feel a bit cheap for saying this!) I'm not thrilled by the idea of dropping the cash for an unfinished game I hadn't heard of before I saw it here a day ago LOL! The only reason I'd even consider it is because the concept of the game is just so in my wheelhouse (har har).
On the bright side, if I DO pick it up and it IS a buggy mess I might be able to regale this thread with some CarrionCrow-esque moments of gaming frustration that can only come from those games that are both oh so bad and oh so good all at once. ;)
No need to feel cheap about it. That's called making a good financial decision.
If they can't get their act together, it's on them.
Funnily enough? My two biggest forms of frustration come from games that are brain-breakingly hard -flips off Meat Boy- and games that don't manage the "but oh so good" part of being gods-frigging-awful. =)
Ixamyakxim: *edit*
CarrionCrow: might go with Paradox instead, might skip all of it and hold onto money for March.
Ixamyakxim: Paradox is also causing me to pause on purchases. While it isn't here (yet?!) Fallen Enchantress is one of my top "would love to play it but won't" games, due to DRM. If it ends up here you can bet I'd grab it in a heartbeat!
I'm thinking Europa Universalis, Majesty 1, Crusader Kings and Victoria to start. I could replace a rental with actual ownership and get an entry point into the company's overall style of games.