EndreWhiteMane: Off to work folks, see ya'll later. :-)
(Yes, that's a threat.)
Have a nice day at work! *goodbye hug*
LaPtiteBete: Thanks for your reviews anyway :-) it's always good to know...
I don't play much at the moment...
I played and finished "the last door" within a few days... It's quite short... not bad ! but the story is a bit weird (and a bit complicated for a french owl, with both supernatural and psychological stuff)... you must love huge pixels, too... and it's moreover too easy. It doesn't need you rack your brains a lot... and... there's no end... kind of "to be continued in chapter 2"... >__< ... (the sequel isn't released yet, if I am not mistaken)...
I have not been playing much, but I am trying to get some of my backlog played. This last week has been the first time in months I have been able to just relax and play some games, which is nice, even if they are boring games. :-)
I liked The Last Door, and I hope when the second batch are done we will get them here on GOG. I felt the pixel graphics were a bit too pixel for my liking, but the story was very interesting, it reminded me a lot of Edger Allen Poe's works. You are right about it being too easy, but part of this is probably due to the pixel style - you can't do complicated puzzles with such graphics. I think it is a bit over-priced considering it's free to play online, and considering it's only short. But it was a nice game, especially as you got closer to the end.
CarrionCrow: You know what else looks creepy?
Outlast. I need a good stormy night (but not one that knocks the frigging power out) to play that one during. =)
Outlast is my Halloween game for this year. I am going to put some headphones on, sit in a dark room, and see how scary the game is. :-)