Going to hit the bed now. G'night people.
l0rdtr3k: Nordic's coming back?
CarrionCrow: Not Nordic specifically. The people who made the game are called King Art.
King Art was never a part of Nordic splitting from GOG.
All the other stuff is still gone.
Also, I just sat through a fucking musical number, and now I want to drink.
EBToriginal: It's an adventure/RPG cross breed which on paper sounds cool
Major problems:
More than 50% of the skills you see during character creation are never called for anywhere in the game's code.
Anything you can do can be done better by any and every NPC you can recruit. Even the 15 year old run away that dies if you are mean to him in a conversation.
Due to the voice track and subtitles not matching up, there are various points in the game where a clue is given either in one or the other. Which is awful because you can't have both text and voice at once.
Have an indepth of what's wrong too.
CarrionCrow: Ah, so it's a broken pile of crap.
I'm figuring it's here because it was an attempt at an adventure/RPG hybrid, not because it was actually good at what it was attempting to do.