LaPtiteBete: [...]
Hi, Hyper ! :)
*Polite wave of the hand* Glad to read you're fine !
Above all, I like that it's a polite wave. :-)
How's the owl -mother and family doing?
moonshineshadow: The last days were not good at all but it is slowly getting better :-)
Hmm... sounds a bit encouraging, so lets
keep it that way.
Good night, penumbren! Have a good rest!
AgentBirdnest: Hello and goodnight, penumbren!
Hello moon, owl, oldgamer... *Big hug* for each of you...
And hello, Hyper. *tip my imaginary hat in your direction*
Hey Agent! Good to hear you're doing well. And you can always tip your not so imaginary helmet. ;-)
gunsynd: Ok,who ate all the ice cream???
That would have been me - it was not chocolate for a change.
And good day to you!