CarrionCrow: It's always kind of nice when something turns out exactly as you expect it would.
Example - I figured the Robocop remake would be a steaming pile of shit, and a profound embarrassment next to the original.
And I was right. -laughs-
moonshineshadow: Somehow I get the feeling you really like shitty games and movies if I follow this thread ;-P
Honestly? I'm not a huge fan of either, and movies even less so than games.
I have no patience for it and I have a backlog that's going to take months upon months to clear.
Of the movies I'm going to see, none of them are ones I'd call awful beforehand.
If I wanted to do that, I'd load up Mystery Science Theater 3000 instead. At least they try to make garbage more interesting.
For games, it's typically either a matter of wanting certain infamous items for posterity, their sheer shittiness making them worth having in a collection, or old business, some piece of crap or another that I feel compelled to complete.
My head won't shut up until I do so and wipe them out, and so I torture myself clearing them.
Soulstorm was like that.