Leucius: Congrats on the new machine!
Thanks! Gaming is a completely different experience now. :P
NoNewTaleToTell: So there is a regular customer at my work who has started constantly hitting on me. Today he came back to visit the deli THREE times! Someone gave him my phone number (he knows a few people who work with me) and now he's bugging me via text and has tried to call me a few times. I guess I can block him on my phone but he's still gonna be visiting a couple of times a week and he's known my coworkers longer than I've known them, so I doubt they'll listen to what I have to say. So yeah...not sure what to do. FML. At least I'm leaving to go back to Cali in a few weeks.
I just tend to ignore those people as best as I can. Although you could of course try telling him that you're really not interested. Not that everyone takes the hint. :P
EDIT: Oh, I see you already tried that. Nothing for it but to ignore him as much as you can, then. :|