AgentBirdnest: Better make it an extra large dinner, just in case you aren't able to move from your amazingly fast gaming rig for a few days. Maybe we oughta put the fire department on speed-dial in case they need to pry you out of your chair at some point :-p ... anyway, I hope it runs well :-)
I'm doing pretty well today. Side effects from my meds have been very calm, so that's nice :-) Otherwise, it's just a quiet one. Making some cookies, then will dive back into Shadowrun in a little while :-p
How about yourself?
And will you give your computer a name? :-)
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Although I do have an appointment with my physical therapist tomorrow morning so I'll have to stop gaming at some point. :P
That's good to hear! And ooh, what kind of cookies? (I am getting hungry ... I really should fix that dinner. xD)
I'm doing fine, thanks. Getting the computer out of the box and installing everything was a pretty gargantuan effort, though. :P
I'm going to call it "incredibly enormous monster". And I'm calling my new 24" screen "even bigger incredibly enormous monster".