Posted February 17, 2015

Course, if your doctor put it that way, that's a bit of a dick move in my opinion.
Forgive me if I'm getting the info wrong and feel free to ignore me or tell me it's none of my godsdamned business, but haven't you mentioned previously that you're over 6 feet tall and 220?
What the hell does the doctor want from you? I'd shit bricks made out of pure rainbows if I weighed that much right now.

He's a cool doctor, I like him, we kid around a lot and he really seems to care.
I know I'm way fat, those shoelaces are getting to be a real challenge.
When I got married I was 6'1" and a whopping 145 so I've definitely blimped out a bit. :-)
Have dealt with more than one oblivious douchebag, and that gets tiresome in a hurry.
Okay, first thing, I've got to put this out there - it is goddamn weird to see you mention shrinking. Seriously.
Your personality versus your chronological age doesn't match up with stereotype at all.
I can see 6 feet and 180, but 6 feet and 145 doesn't sound healthy by a long shot.
You've got the heart thing to consider, what are they suggesting you go with to drop the weight in a healthy way?