EndreWhiteMane: Did you guy see
this? Unbelievable. :-)
ddickinson: You mean the game itself, or the unbelievable total they got compared for what they were asking for?
Stilton: Hey, hi, hello ;-)
How was your unbearably romantic meal and cuddles? Unbearably romantic and cuddly, I hope...
ddickinson: Hello!
I did have a nice time, thank you.
How is the clan? I have some more suggestions for your label, since Dad is not an option.
1. Father
2. Pappa.
3. Him.
4. You.
5. Mr Mum.
♂ 7. Other Mummy?
8. Pater.
9. Stilton (your name)
10. faðir (Norse for father)
You've got me giggling, both at your list and for even remembering,
plus leaving out even a sniff of a 'D.' But there's way too much there for me to respond to in insane Viking mode - I'd be writing until two in the morning - so how about I copy the list on a sheet of A4 and tape it to my forehead?
I think you may have solved my problem ;-)
But don't let your guard down completely...