CarrionCrow: I had a chance to run through the first Etrian and really enjoyed it aside from the obnoxiousness of needing to know specifically how to kill certain monsters in certain ways to obtain rare components for high-end gear.
(A frigging hint or two wouldn't have killed you, designers.)
Haven't had a chance to really get into Fire Emblem, but from what I've heard about the combo of perma-death and tactical combat that should be a pretty safe bet, not really a big Zelda fan so I'll probably skip those (haven't been into Zelda since A Link to the Past), Xenoblade sounds good since I figure I'll get a New one (gods, someone needs to junkpunch whoever's in charge of naming their hardware), haven't heard of Infinite Space but I'll check it out in just a sec, and Bravely Default looks interesting but I'll keep in mind the super grindy bits.
And yes, grindy repetition can still beat something being bamboo slivers under the fingernails painful like some games...=)
If you like turn based RPGs / Strategy at all you won't regret getting Fire Emblem. It's a great series and Awakening is the best yet. Plus on the highest difficulties it is rock hard, which should be right up your street ;)
After beating it I tried a run on Lunatic and only got to about the 8th mission before giving up in frustration.
Infinite Space is an absolute gem. Cheesy space opera with great spaceship management, it gets a bit easy near the end but the story is great.
The problem with Bravely Default is that I can't really tell you what the problem is without somewhat spoiling the game for you... XD
And Xenoblade is just hands down my favourite game ever, just a great JRPG. It feels a bit like a JRPG meets an MMORPG (minus any actual multiplayer elements, but the kind of MMO world) combat is fun, the world is glorious, story isn't half bad either.
I loved Samurai Warriors Chronicles, but I think you need to be a fan of the whole Warriors series thing to get that one (and it's kind of a love / hate one, very button mashy hack n slash but with tons of characters and things to unlock)
ddickinson: I know how that can be. For a while me and my partner lives on the farm with my parents. But we have a nice cottage now, nicely modernised and with lots of room. So we can be romantic all we want. We go to restaurants sometimes, but only rarely. I prefer a good old pub meal, but then that's just probably my farming roots wanting something more relaxing and homely, rather than a posh restaurant. And if you find a nice pub, it can be just as nice as a restaurant, providing the regulars are friendly, which is never really a problem in the countryside.
Pheasant is nice, but it can be expensive from restaurants. We usually have pheasant for special occasions rather than having it often, it makes it a little more special.
If things go well this year we're hoping to get our own place again.
We don't really go out to eat much either other than when we can get away. When we do it's usually gastro pub type places or something. We don't really have many posh restaurants (or decent places to eat at all) near us.
I'm always a bit reluctant to buy and cook more expensive things like pheasant and game in case I spoil them... plus my partner's not really keen on them anyway.