CarrionCrow: For me, getting Last Door Season 2 and Deadly Tower of Monsters works out well. A lot of the bigger deals are of little use to me since I already have almost everything.
Yes, that is rather noticeable. Surprised people haven't started complaining about it once again.
It's not the original classic bundle anymore, to be sure. But GOG doesn't get a choice in such matters, have to thank Hasbro for that one.
My thoughts exactly. My library is full of what I really want and what I don't have. Well I don't feel the unstoppable urge to click buy.
Just let me check on... and of course Neptunia has no discount whatsoever.
I think I'm gonna wait for the DOTT remaster too, after all I still haven't played Grim Fandango either.
I know, I just don't see any marketing sense in removing the old versions. Why can't they leave both available? I think I might see the reasoning behind it, but it is an imbecillic morose reasoning.
Unless the main reson is the convoluted and fucked up IP laws, which are so tangled up at this point that I doubt anyone can make any sense out of them.
ddickinson: Hello there.
Yes, it will take a lot to turn one of the Holy Sisters away from the God-Emperer. :-)
I have been better, defiantly not a nice time for me. But, things could be worse, and I have definitely been worse, so nothing I need to be down about. And definitely not anything that will let take me to the dark cold of the Warp.
How have you been, are your studies going well?
Much like you, things could be worse. The first round of ass-rapings has come and gone, and things didn't go so well. Fortunately there's a last chance round this month which I aim to take full advantage of.
Hurm, wings of prey has a nice discount and its graphics are to a filght simulator what chocolate frosting is to a cake.
CarrionCrow: You mean you don't float above the water, glaring menacingly at all you survey?
Not to mention the inherent logistical problems of paddling a boat when you have no feet...
Shows what you know. His paddleboat is jet engine propelled and he zooms around bewaring anyone around that he lives.