Empress_Owl: Shall I play the first one first ?... or are the stories completely different ?...
No worries there, it's a sequel in name only. I've beaten the first and seen a Let's Play for the second, they have no connection storywise.
(If anything, you'll probably look upon the first one far more favorably after clearing the second...)
akhliber: I've still enjoyed what I've played of Mercenary Kings, but I think part of it is because I play it in such small doses. It's great for when I want to play a game but don't really have the time. I'll sneak in a 10 minute mission and then move onto something else. Mind you, it got hard fast and I haven't gone back to it for a bit, but that is also part of how I play games. Sometimes I'll have to spend a year or more just taking multiple stabs at a game just to even get started in earnest... I'm the same way with books sometimes. I'll start a book that I know I'm going to adore, but it just won't be the right time for it, so I'll just keep it on "standby" for the next three weeks-to-years. :)
I think SpaceChem is my current embarrassing put-this-off-for-now game, though once I can pry the lady from lifestuffs long enough to have her take the lead and put in some time with it, I think I'll find it more approachable. I can tell it's the sort of thing I should get, and easily, even, but I've only come at it while in the wrong frame of mind.
I really expected Dark Souls to be one of those put-off-for-now games forever. I just never thought I'd be be good enough to play it. I'm a bit surprised with how well I'm doing, to be honest. (not that I'm doing amazing, but I'm beating bosses and finding lots of cool stuff, and not just hitting a brick wall five minutes in, so that's something.)
I imagine Salt & Sanctuary is one I'll give in and try after 2-5 more play sessions with Dark Souls. And I'm only saying that so that I'll feel obligated to put in at least 2 more play sessions instead of heading directly over to Steam now just to get it over with, haha. Restraint in very small doses is how I work, it seems. Baby steps. ;)
-laughing- That sounds all too familiar.
One thing I learned from games - anyone can beat a game eventually, unless they have some kind of physical reason why they can't. It's all about how much pain you're willing to go through to do it.
Your way sounds better. Mine boils down to agonizing for a while, then finally screaming fuck it and doing it.
Additional - Just got reminded of why the world isn't ready for nothing but automated internet stuff with no people keeping an eye on things.
Went to grab something, the site glitched, ended up having to do it over the phone, the site tried to charge me twice and I had to get ahold of a live person in customer support to get it fixed.