Posted May 28, 2016

I've never really been into superhero movies/shows/comics/anything. I liked one and a half X-Men movies, but haven't been able to sit through any other whateverMen :-p
Likewise. I like some characters, but that's about it. Between the comics, the endless movies and the lack of interest, I don't see myself sitting down to watch the 10 or 12 or 15 or however many they've put out already, just to catch up.
Deadpool is an exception, since it's incredibly silly 99.9 percent of the time and utterly over the top.
I'm liking the Netflix stuff more because it's street-level. They're not running around saving the universe every week.
Daredevil is good, I think the Punisher will be really good, and I'm willing to try the other stuff they plan on doing. (At least until it gets so bloated that it starts to be unappealing the same way the movies are.)