Posted May 29, 2016

It's the shiniest, most sparkly piece of shit they can produce, and it's coming out soon...>=)
(*To be fair, I haven't played Omnibus and don't intend to. I'm purely judging that book by its cover :-p)
Speaking of manuals, maybe I should have read the one for Alpha Centauri. Half an hour in, and I'm lost as pluck as I try to read all of the tutorial pop-ups. I just wanna build some bases already *headache* >__< ... I think I've got the basics down at this point though. I oughta be able to figure everything out. I might need some paracetamol first though :-p
... and some ice cold lemonade to wash the pills down, which is much more appropriate for this weather :-)
*shares lemonade with everyone*
Post edited May 29, 2016 by AgentBirdnest