FearfulSymmetry: I think I've said this before, but that's really an excellent outlook. It can be easy to forget all the really great things in our lives sometimes, and it helps to focus on them.
I'll probably go to the cinema on Sunday with my younger sister, and I'll be meeting her boyfriend as well, so I'm curious to see what he's like. :P Other than that, I don't have much planned, except for catching up on some reading I have to do.
i have a lot to be grateful for in my life, so I tend to concentrate on that. I try to enjoy things for what they are and not to get too caught up in the small stuff.
The cinema sounds nice. I have not been in years, lots and lots of years. I am not a big movie watcher, so I end up doing other things. I hope your meeting with your sister's boyfriend goes okay. Are you going to play the protective older sister and give him a hard time? :-)
gunsynd: "How do you know when a plane load of Poms has landed.....?"
"The engine stops but the whining noise goes on....."
Typical. I ask for an Australian joke and it ends up been a racist joke. :-)
LaPtiteBete: Too bad I can't dance the "french cancan" ^^ ... (nor any other dance, in fact... lol... finally I might have more chance of success with the alien outfit !!) :-p
I think that once he sees you in that outfit, he won't care about a dance. :-)