Posted May 24, 2016

Hi StarStealer, glad you're home and safe.
*big hug*
I also have "blackberry muffin", and "lemon pie"... and more common ones (caramel, mint...) :-)
I brought my car to get it fixed in the morning, so I stayed at home to work... it's very pleasant.
How are you, Endre GreenMane ? :-)
Courage... It will pass quickly :-)

Thanks! I just rubbed his belly to pass along the greetings. Sarge thanks you as well, though in the form of a tail wagging in my face and some prolonged snores. ;)
I too am intrigued by your mug, and by the chocolate teabags... !!!
I posted the links above for the mugs, and my panel of teas to Endre... What will you have ? :-)
Post edited May 24, 2016 by Empress_Owl