EndreWhiteMane: Sounds like making a nice big martini with no booze in it. Where's the fun in that?
Ripley, Ripley, Ripley!! :-)
Edit: This is the time Agent:
I suppose you would have wore something more like
this? You try having a fun night while wearing something like that. :-)
Also, one mention of French maid outfits and you suddenly come online. You must really have good dirty old man senses. :-)
gunsynd: Fine,thankyou.....Where are those pics???????????
Well we took them in the past, so I think they may have degraded with the passing of time before they reached you in the future. :-)
But I don't know if there were any pictures taken, so I guess if they were, then someone else would have them.
LaPtiteBete: French maid... lol. that's so "cliché" !!! ^^
As long as being sexy (and french) ((and cliché)), I would rather chose a cabaret dancer outfit ! ^^
http://pmcdn.priceminister.com/photo/940380036.jpg It was a French themed party, and sadly being in the middle of the countryside, the costume shop only has limited stock. It was either a French maid or a Marie Antoinette costume. And I wanted to wear something that would give me a bit of freedom and not get weighed down by a big heavy costume.