superstande: Howdy, sir! :)
I read you are having a procedure-time again. I wish thee good luck with it!
I'm okay. Sleeping perhaps a bit too little - 5,5 hours a night and a nap during afternoons... But my weekends are sleeping time and game time :)
I made it to chapter 7 in BGEE, it's been quite fun. I feel things have become even more fun lately. That was Sunday, and it will be till Friday I can concentrate on finishing it. I understand taking breaks very well :) I have been collecting books - one character carries all that stuff. Sometimes I read one or two interesting ones. It's such a huge beast of a game. Probably going to take a long break after the main game is finished and play Tower of Monsters or something very different. I love the battles, where you actually have to think quite a bit. And there are many ways to win :)
Thank you! I'm excited to have it done again, should mean lots of feeling better to come. :)
I always have to take breaks from a game that big, but if I break for too long, it'll get too intimidating to jump back in and I'll wind up starting a new character... I've done that with BG more times than I could count. This time, come hell or high water, I'm completing this game. ;)
I also really enjoy the combat. I think it was a system that still needed some fine tuning (with Dragon Age Origins pretty much perfecting it) but I also think it works great just as it is. I did find combat more engaging in Pillars of Eternity, even though they're quite similar, but I think that was just because it was an unfamiliar set of spells and rules and such (and, well, newer and prettier.) But I love how open-ended it is.
Collecting books, yeesh. I gave up on trying to carry them around and chose a room in the 3rd floor of the Friendly Arm inn with a bookshelf to serve as my library. When I have the game open but am not really feeling like questing, I'll head there and read a few more books. There's also a chest there (bottom right room of 3rd floor of inn) that's a great place to store spare stuff you don't want to sell, or anything you want to carry over to an imported save in the sequel (I've read that a few items like Angel Hair rings and those Golden Pantaloons are quite handy to carry forward into a save game for part 2. I've played both in the past, but actually played BG2 first, so I've never tried carrying a character from one to the other. I'm hoping the new in-between expansion doesn't throw off the game balance too much, as I'm guessing it'll up the level cap from the first game...