Posted February 13, 2015
AgentBirdnest: Does anyone else get annoyed when they mysteriously gain rep? There have been a couple of times that I have noticed my number jump a couple of points, and I just start wondering what I said or did that made someone want to + me.
Are you seriously complaining about people being nice with you ? Õ__Ô EndreWhiteMane: A rather late good day to everyone. Boy can you folks talk. ;)
Just skimmed the thread and didn't see anything apocalyptic so I'll just say:
Moon, I hope you feel better soon, be careful though or you may get 'sweets poisoning'. ;)
Hello to everyone else and glad your doing OK today, I'm still struggling with anxiety but I'm sure it'll get better soon.
Nothing in the sale for me so I'm safe there.
* hug/handshake/kiss/punch in the eye (pick just one) to everyone *
Ô__¤ Just skimmed the thread and didn't see anything apocalyptic so I'll just say:
Moon, I hope you feel better soon, be careful though or you may get 'sweets poisoning'. ;)
Hello to everyone else and glad your doing OK today, I'm still struggling with anxiety but I'm sure it'll get better soon.
Nothing in the sale for me so I'm safe there.
* hug/handshake/kiss/punch in the eye (pick just one) to everyone *
Dammit !!!! I accidentally picked the punch in the eye
[edit], sh*t, I didn't see you were feeling anxious... :-(
I hope you'll feel better pretty soon...
*Comforting Hug*
Post edited February 13, 2015 by LaPtiteBete