Posted May 09, 2016

*extra big hug* I hope you had fun with the game :-)
You should take a laptop, sit in a corner and pretend you're taking notes, so you can keep talking to us ; or even play some games, hihi... [/bad advice]
I really enjoyed the game !!... Probably the creepiest I ever played (there were hallucination scenes I wasn't able to watch... >___¤), but I'm glad I could play it anyway (I guess because you can't actually die or be caught/hurt in that game...). The story was really fascinating... I'm a bit disappointed by the end though, because a lot of questions remain without answers, and are left to the player's judgement... (and sadly I wanted to play and finish it to know what happened to this family...) :-) other than that, it was really well designed, the graphics rendering looks amazing, the sounds effects and musics suit perfectly with the story... the gameplay is nice. Not too many scared jumps... on the other hand, the game is more like an interactive movie than a real "game", there are not much challenge in it... and people who love horror games can be put off by the fact you can't die or things like that (which is not my case) :-)

I think you are referring to Impossible Creatures. Funny story about that - I had two CD copies at one point. Because my dad and my brother both got me a copy for Christmas one year :-) Birdnests are awesome at communicating and coordinating n__o
So, a "Best Empress Ever" bundle, then? :-) I'll hope for that too.
Haha... indeed, they're pretty bad at communication ^^
Let's cross feathers !! ):->
Post edited May 09, 2016 by Empress_Owl