Posted February 13, 2015

I can't offer any help with your problem, but hopefully someone here will be able to help. How are you doing today? Is your cough any better?

B:) Give me the model and I'll see what I can do or what blocking software I can find.
C:) Does it really fall on your shoulders to be responsible for this (deadbeat) person?

B. Netgear CG3000DV2
C. If has to do with the internet connection, yes, because that's my bill and I'm the only (relatively) tech-savvy person in the household.
No parenthetical notes needed for that description, btw, because that's nicer than what I've called her in the past. (It's my sister-in-law, and she's going through a lot of personal stuff, but my sympathy ran out the hard way not that long ago and the huge argument we had is what led to the internet limits. Since she just got her replacement phone, I can't do anything about her data usage, but I can damned sure try to lock down the wifi access. She's 24 going on 14, some days going on 4. >.< )
Try this. There are quite a few other free ones too. Search for 'Internet filtering software'. HTH

Well... it's time for me to go to bed, I guess...
Good night, everybody !!! Red you tomorrow !! *Good night Hugs*
Post edited February 13, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane