moonshineshadow: *laugh* Oh well, it is always fun to go to your library and realise it has games you can't remember buying ;-)
Played Mousecraft. It was cute. I tested Minecraft ones, but well, wasn't really much fun and I thought that the graphics are ugly :D
Yeah, I'm always wondering who put Wargame: European Escalation on my shelf (me). I am not even really interested in it :-p
I'm assuming you haven't played that one :-)
What about Jade Empire? I'm not entirely sure what that is either :-p
ddickinson: I think this is the oldest game here? I am not sure what looks the worst. Definitely one of the newer indie pixel retro games, but I forget which ones are which and I don't want to go through them all. :-)
How about you, any that you think looks the worst?
*big regular hug*
I think you are right. It looks terrible :-D I actually tried it the other day, died instantly, and gave up :-p
The Last Door is certainly ugly, but thankfully it has an interesting story to make up for it.
really don't like the look of Dropsy. I think it's the colours - they just look so ugly to me. It gives me a strange uneasy feeling, and not just because of clowns :-p
*big weird hug*
akhliber: Definitely an in-game tutorial, if one is available. If not, I'll usually just dive in, but if I can't figure out the mechanics or don't understand something, I learn best by doing or by observing, so backup plan would be to watch a youtube video of someone playing a bit. Manual would be a desperate last ditch effort to make sense of things. Not even sure why.
However, I will say, lately I've found more and more interest in game manuals. I've been reading through a lot of them in pdf format, as well as lots of "companion books" and art books from varioius games. Not sure why all the sudden interest in game manuals, though I suspect it's been gradually building since I started subscribing to IndieBox and started getting some actual, tangible ones to flip through with my hands.
*big hug*
Same for me, usually. I like games that can seamlessly blend a tutorial in with the first level. As in : I can skip the tutorial if I want to, without missing any content, because I hate having to go through a tutorial during replays.
I used to read an entire manual from the first page to the last before even launching the game. I find that I don't have the patience to do this anymore, and it just makes me anxious :-p