CarrionCrow: Odds are against me on that one. But I'll figure out a way to make use of the bundles regardless.
Bloodlines is a bit of a unique case, at least for me. Everything you said is totally valid, but I still really, really enjoy it.
The setting, the characters, the music, the atmosphere, pretty much everything aside from the stealth (which I loathe with a burning unholy passion, to the point that I tend to veer towards clans that have invisibility powers) is enjoyable.
Also, with the variety of characters you can make, there's more than enough replayability to get past my usual requirement of no more than 1 dollar per hour of entertainment.
That's cool. Less than two days to go, hang in there. =)
Well you never know with GOG, I am hoping there are some good bundles for you all.
It is definitely a highly praised game, which is why I assume they are charging so much because they know they can. Maybe it will appear during the promo on sale, but it is hard to tell with Activision.
I am doing fine. We spent much of our early relationship apart due to us going to separate universities, so it is not a big problem. But I do sill miss her when she is aways, and probably more so at the moment with everything going on and that has been going on. But at least we have a long weekend to look forward to to make up for the week.
pimpmonkey2382.313: I'm tired, but pretty good thank you. :)
That is good to hear, about you being pretty good, not tired. :-)
FearfulSymmetry: Haha, good idea. :P There's already one chapter I need to revise, I really don't want to add to that.
That sounds nice, I hope you have a great day together. :)
I'm afraid the exhaustion probably won't go away for a while yet ... too much to do in the coming two months. I'm really looking forward to the summer holiday. :P
Nope, still nothing. Aside from my interest in Bloodlines (which I won't purchase until the price drops, since I already own it elsewhere) there's not really been anything to catch my eye. How about you? Have you made a purchase yet?
*enormous hug*
I gathered all the exhaustion and things would not go away anytime soon, not with everything you have going on. But hopefully it won't be too hard on you. There is little we can actually do, but we are here for you if you ever need any support or to vent about anything. My chat is always open for you. *ginormous hug*
I think that is the attitude many people are taking with the game. I have never played it, but I hear it is a good game.
I have bought a few gifts, but nothing for myself. So far nothing from my wishlist has turned up with a good discount. There are one or two games that I am a little interested in, but not enough to get them at the moment. :-)
*big hug*