moonshineshadow: So it is possible to beat level 27, I need to get back to that ;-)
Well, I am not really playing anything at the moment (and surely not Metrocide). Testing different games and seeing if something catches my interest enough to play through :D
Yesterday I gave Tomb Raider 1 a try. Oh well, the control scheme is a bit iffy, but otherwise it is nice.
Sometimes you just need a nice long break to clear your mind, then the solution comes when you return :-) Or else you can kick ElT if it doesn't. Win win :-D
I should try Tomb Raider too. Every time I see it in my library, I am surprised n__n
What about Mousecraft? Or Minecraft ô__ô ? (If you want to make a successful game, just add "craft" to the end of it.)
akhliber: Beft. Hurg. Ervrrr. (It's hard to talk with a mouthful of strawberries) ;)
I haven't yet played the original Escapists, but most of the reviews of each I read led me to believe the Walking Dead version of the game is just easier to pick up and quickly learn/play, so I figured it would serve as a better introduction than the original game itself. I'm slow with that learning stuff, I'll take any easy breaks I can get. :)
Haha :-D
So... When it comes to learning a game, what do you prefer? Would you read a manual, watch a tutorial, or play the tutorial level? Or just dive right into the game and try to figure it out yourself? :-)
ddickinson: *puts on grumpy gamer hat*
Yeah, more good old game, not more of these new game that look older than a lot of the people playing them. :-)
*big hug and wanting some gingersnaps now, although we call them ginger biscuit over here*
*sits in grumpy old rocking chair* n__o
What is the oldest-looking game here? (Or, just what do you think looks the worst?)
*big American hug while looking for the ugliest game* ;-)