Posted April 06, 2016

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2016
I feel like a bouquet of flowers exploded inside my head. Which is colourful and smells nice, but has also clogged up motivation and motor function areas of my brain. Plus, I think the supervisor of my brain, Larry, is allergic to flowers, so he is yelling and sneezing at everyone, making them all work 17 times faster, but working that fast only causes collisions between the workers. The assembly line has been congested. Looking for some type of interactive stimuli (a game, maybe?) to get things working again.
How are you this lovely Day of Wednes?
How are you this lovely Day of Wednes?

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 06, 2016

How are you this lovely Day of Wednes?
That sounds uhm.....interesting ;)
Hopefully you'll find a game to kickstart your engine :)
I'm doing good. Was a quite day for me. Prepared some old DVDs for selling and bought a new bike lock but that's basically all interesting i did today :)

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2016

I'm doing good. Was a quite day for me. Prepared some old DVDs for selling and bought a new bike lock but that's basically all interesting i did today :)
That's about 2 more interesting things than I did today ;-)
... and I'm getting GOGblocked from chat. Anyone else?
Post edited April 06, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 06, 2016

I'm doing good. Was a quite day for me. Prepared some old DVDs for selling and bought a new bike lock but that's basically all interesting i did today :)

That's about 2 more interesting things than I did today ;-)
... and I'm getting GOGblocked from chat. Anyone else?
Post edited April 06, 2016 by omega64

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 06, 2016

That's about 2 more interesting things than I did today ;-)
... and I'm getting GOGblocked from chat. Anyone else?
Sorry to hear that ;)
It's working fine for me - both with and without AF :)

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2016
So... Europe = fine, America = broken :-p
Also, I'm getting this when hovering my cursor on a person's name/avatar : "Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later."
Also, I'm getting this when hovering my cursor on a person's name/avatar : "Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later."
Post edited April 06, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2016
If a person only has 19 games to choose from, they might need more games...-laughs-

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 06, 2016

Also, I'm getting this when hovering my cursor on a person's name/avatar : "Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later."
Installed or in general? ;)
Because i currently have 11 games installed (both GOG and the rental platform) ;)
Post edited April 06, 2016 by ElTerprise

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2016
Try some others... Other Americans, like Endre and Zeo maybe?
Well, it's about 600 total... ~45 installed... 19-23 of which are ones that I have an interest in playing right this minute :-p
Well, it's about 600 total... ~45 installed... 19-23 of which are ones that I have an interest in playing right this minute :-p
Post edited April 06, 2016 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 06, 2016

Because i currently have 11 games installed (both GOG and the rental platform) ;)
From there, you should at least have two dozen installed at all times. If your process of deciding what to play takes less than 45 minutes, you need to install more stuff. =)

Uncle robo cat
Registered: Apr 2015
From Slovenia
Posted April 06, 2016
Post something already arghhh,anyone wants to post here,but just doesn't ?
Anyway am sick,had fever,coughing and a cold now i don't have a fever but still a little runny nose,before it was even blood in my mucus for 2 days but that seteled down and no no more blood in nose.
Haven't played games in 7 days -__-
Anyway am sick,had fever,coughing and a cold now i don't have a fever but still a little runny nose,before it was even blood in my mucus for 2 days but that seteled down and no no more blood in nose.
Haven't played games in 7 days -__-

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted April 06, 2016

Anyway am sick,had fever,coughing and a cold now i don't have a fever but still a little runny nose,before it was even blood in my mucus for 2 days but that seteled down and no no more blood in nose.
Haven't played games in 7 days -__-

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 06, 2016
Already did. For Zeo and Ixamyakxim the hover menu showed up properly...
CarrionCrow: Okay, here's how it goes. You should have no less than a hundred games kept on the computer at all times, because that's not excessive...
From there, you should at least have two dozen installed at all times. If your process of deciding what to play takes less than 45 minutes, you need to install more stuff. =) Hm.....that might be a that case i should install smaller games i guess because the hdd space reserved for games is unfortunately not infinite...not even close ... :)

From there, you should at least have two dozen installed at all times. If your process of deciding what to play takes less than 45 minutes, you need to install more stuff. =)