Posted November 05, 2021

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary

successive slidings of displeasure
Registered: Sep 2011
From Poland
Posted November 05, 2021
Yes. I even read somewhere that often when you decide cancel payment before trial ends they might offer additional 2 weeks so you can get games from up to 3 months on one trial period.
Post edited November 05, 2021 by ssling

Registered: Dec 2017
From Other
Posted November 05, 2021

It's a double edge sword, flex to shareholders on new account creations at the cost of devaluing products and rarely seeing paid conversion, or miss out on exposure to people
I wonder how the volume of this "new recent customers" is related to the latest glitches plus those traditionally never worked out (the almost inexistent timely support, for example)

New User
Registered: Jun 2017
From Brazil

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted November 06, 2021

Or so I've heard, as I haven't played the game yet. But now I can, woohoo!

P. Zimerickus
Coffee -He/Him-
Registered: Jul 2013
From Netherlands

Doomed Space Marine
Registered: Jun 2016
From Czech Republic

Registered: Jul 2012
From Portugal
Posted November 11, 2021

If I go through Twitch, I land on the Prime Gaming page which shows Control. There is a "Try Prime" button in the top right, but when I click it, it shows me this (screenshot "huh.jpg"). Claims that I am in a "Prime Gaming and Prime Video only" country and that the trial lasts only 7 days.
If I go through Amazon directly, it seems I can activate the full 30 day trial (screenshot "ama.jpg"). The pricing also differs. My plan was to grab games from this month and the next. There are also 2 non GOG games this month, specifically Dragon Age Inquisition on Origin and Rise of the Tomb Raider on Epic. I'm not gonna say no to free games, but the Tomb Raider expires on Nov 14, which would require me starting the Prime trial now.
My worry is, that if I activate it through Amazon for the 30 day trial, it will not work properly when Twitch says it's only a 7 day trial and if I activate it through Twich, the trial won't last long enough to cheap out on the potential games next month.
Any tips?
IIRC, after subscribing, I went into Prime Gaming site, logged in with my Amazon account and everything worked fine.

New User
Registered: May 2021
From Romania
Posted November 11, 2021
It's incredible how gog is growing, a non-drm platform, incredible.

Doomed Space Marine
Registered: Jun 2016
From Czech Republic
Posted November 11, 2021

IIRC, after subscribing, I went into Prime Gaming site, logged in with my Amazon account and everything worked fine.
Although I think I understand it now. The one through Twitch would activate only Prime Gaming and only for 7 days. The Amazon Prime itself (the one you get on the Amazon site) is the main one and includes all other "Primes" (Gaming, Video etc.) for 30 days. This probably also means, that I can use up the Amazon Prime trial for this month and still have the Prime Gaming only trial available in the future. Unless activating Amazon Prime uses up the trials on all other Primes....
Quite confusing honestly.

Registered: Jul 2012
From Portugal
Posted November 11, 2021

Although I think I understand it now. The one through Twitch would activate only Prime Gaming and only for 7 days. The Amazon Prime itself (the one you get on the Amazon site) is the main one and includes all other "Primes" (Gaming, Video etc.) for 30 days. This probably also means, that I can use up the Amazon Prime trial for this month and still have the Prime Gaming only trial available in the future. Unless activating Amazon Prime uses up the trials on all other Primes....
Quite confusing honestly.
However, I just went into Prime Gaming, and I'm logged in with my Amazon account, and I see this banner (screen attached) saying that I have a 30 day trial. Are you logged in or logged out when you see the 7 days trial message?

Doomed Space Marine
Registered: Jun 2016
From Czech Republic
Posted November 11, 2021

I've never activated anything Prime related in the past.
Post edited November 11, 2021 by idbeholdME

Registered: Jul 2012
From Portugal
Posted November 11, 2021

I've never activated anything Prime related in the past.

Doomed Space Marine
Registered: Jun 2016
From Czech Republic
Posted November 11, 2021

I've never activated anything Prime related in the past.

Post edited November 11, 2021 by idbeholdME

Registered: Jul 2012
From Portugal
Posted November 11, 2021

I believe that if you use the trial from Amazon itself, and it says that you have 30 days, then that's what you gonna get, and that will also translate into 30 days of Prime Gaming, since it's the same account used for both.