I have a number of moments in gaming that stick out to me still. So here's one that still makes me smile looking back.
Playing Command & Conquer at a young age was something special. I had these Micro Machines I used to collect that were from their military line-up. Little tanks, soldiers, planes, and warships. So seeing my little pixel army and commanding them around in real-time on my CRT display was amazing to me. Me and my dad would always go head to head and he'd show no mercy. But I was always so enthralled that I was playing virtual war with another human being I didn't care. It was definitely why I came to enjoy RTS for years to come. (I still hold out hope the C&C collection shows up here one day.)
The thing about the first C&C game though, is it can be pretty damn hard and tricky sometimes. Being so young meant that I sucked pretty bad at playing it. I didn't know how to formulate effective strategies yet. So when I got to a new level it was super exciting but also terrifying. Part of that excitement was in part because I knew I'd get to see a new FMV. I think C&C was the first game I played with FMV and seeing real people on the screen, talking to me like I was someone high up and important, was kind of fascinating to me. The CGI cutscenes looked real to me at the time.
Anyways, I always picked the bad guys in RTS first because it was fun to see their perspective for a change, and they usually had really interesting units and buildings. So, naturally, I was playing with the Brotherhood of Nod first in C&C. After struggling through the first few missions, you were always greeted by a man named Seth. He was supposedly the right hand man to Kane, the mysterious and almost god-like leader of the Brotherhood of Nod. As you progress, Seth gets noticeably more jealous and irritated by your success. So at one point he sends you on a suicide mission to attack the Pentagon in the U.S.
This is the cutscene. BAM. Just like that, out of nowhere. Seth gets his skull emptied, and Kane himself sits down and stares you in the face. He tells you he's Kane, and you work directly for him now from that point on. I remember sitting there with my jaw on the floor, thinking what the hell just happened?! I was so shook from that, that when the mission started I couldn't even think! I had to pause the game and collect myself!
Kane was hands down one of my all time favorite video game characters from that point on. Joseph Kucan aced his performance of him. It was simply flawless. What a badass moment that still gives me chills thinking about it!