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low rated
Are you sure this is the wisest place to do this sort of discussion?

I'll just post this here, and scatter out before the lock comes.
low rated
They will soon find out that big oil industry is controlled by a secret cabal of northern cat lovers who are pushing in a big way for global warming, not because of oil profits, but because they want to make their countries warmer for stray cats that roam outside.

This will totally happen. I'm waiting for it to be announced in the news any day now.

If you want other quality predictions, I'll be happy to do what ardent conspiracy theorists tend to do and pull more wild conjectures out of my head. Empirical analysis of reality need not get in the way of a good story.
Post edited May 14, 2022 by Magnitus
low rated
Darvond: Are you sure this is the wisest place to do this sort of discussion?
Well this thread wasn't really supposed to be a discussion about the validity of conspiracy theories, but rather a tongue-in-cheek look at existing ones and getting creative with new ones. Being non judgmental of course, and all for fun.

There are plenty of other places to get serious about conspiracies.

Really this thread is meant to be an entertainment exercise of the collective minds here.

Conspire away.

P.S. Good to see that some have gotten into the spirit of the thing. :)

FrostburnPhoenix: Actually, Mars and Venus are both feminine planets in classical astrology.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. My vote is for Mars the Warrior.


Okay folks, I have given you all an upvote, regardless of your reply ... unless it is obnoxious, rude, insulting, racist or sexist.

If we all do that to each other, we can blitz the downvoter right out of effectiveness. Make them the ineffectual childish sad clown they are.
Post edited May 14, 2022 by Timboli
low rated
Darvond: Are you sure this is the wisest place to do this sort of discussion?
Timboli: Well this thread wasn't really supposed to be a discussion about the validity of conspiracy theories, but rather a tongue-in-cheek look at existing ones and getting creative with new ones. Being non judgmental of course, and all for fun.

There are plenty of other places to get serious about conspiracies.

Really this thread is meant to be an entertainment exercise of the collective minds here.

Conspire away.

P.S. Good to see that some have gotten into the spirit of the thing. :)

FrostburnPhoenix: Actually, Mars and Venus are both feminine planets in classical astrology.
Timboli: That sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. My vote is for Mars the Warrior.


Okay folks, I have given you all an upvote, regardless of your reply ... unless it is obnoxious, rude, insulting, racist or sexist.

If we all do that to each other, we can blitz the downvoter right out of effectiveness. Make them the ineffectual childish sad clown they are.
There shouldn't be a downvoter problem in the first place. There's nothing wrong with conspiratorial discussion, especially lighter hearted posts like this one :) . That's one of the great things about people, we can see things differently and offer a different perspectives. ;)

I don't know about Tim Horton's, but heard plenty of Nasty things go in the Mcdonald's Chicken Nuggets.. Yum! lol
low rated
Sensitivesoul: [...]
There shouldn't be a downvoter problem in the first place. There's nothing wrong with conspiratorial discussion, especially lighter hearted posts like this one :) . That's one of the great things about people, we can see things differently and offer a different perspectives. ;)
the lizard people are doing it
low rated
There's an eerie place with the highest number of conspiracies in America that was uncovered by some kid.

Post edited May 15, 2022 by §pec†re
low rated
Conspiracy theories are true?? I knew it!!!
low rated
Timboli: My Gran used to do a great fried rabbit.
Ah, your gran fought and lost in the great rabbit war? Did she also garner defeat in the emu war?
Darvond: Are you sure this is the wisest place to do this sort of discussion?

I'll just post this here, and scatter out before the lock comes.
We're considering the possible plot of the next Deus Ex game since it's now free of Squenix influence.
Sensitivesoul: I don't know about Tim Horton's, but heard plenty of Nasty things go in the Mcdonald's Chicken Nuggets.. Yum! lol
You might not know this, but, if you look at the anatomy of a chicken, you'll not find "nugget" anywhere on the charts.
Post edited May 15, 2022 by mqstout
low rated
mqstout: You might not know this, but, if you look at the anatomy of a chicken, you'll not find "nugget" anywhere on the charts.


God... *Mind Blown*
At some point in the near future, perhaps by the time you read this, Time will have turned a corner and be heading back the other way, if in an oblique manner and not directly so. This means instances of Deja Vu will become even more common, and you could even meet your younger self. This is a Universe first, if not a Galactic one.

It is recommended you stay home and never leave your bedroom, if you don't think you can cope ... and even that might not be enough, so hide under the covers and wear noise cancelling headphones, and play Jimi Hendrix up loud ... and shy away from all physical contact. Some of you are already doing this, but it is wise to restate these precautions, just in case.

While I say Universe first, don't quote me, as I am having trouble fact checking that, but it is certainly believed by those who study such things ... I'm just the messenger.

In further news, it will soon be legislated that all messengers are exempt from persecution over their deliveries. So anyone shooting the messenger, will frankly be in BIG TROUBLE ... they may even have to go without their hot chocolate of an evening, for all time ... or until Time changes direction again.

Those in authority are contemplating jail terms for those using the words 'Forever' or 'Eternity' or 'Ad Infinitum'. An acceptable replacement will be 'a bloody long time'. It will be permissible still, to use the term 'until the end of all time', but not just 'until the end of time'.

Welcome to the future embedded in the past, and sprinkled with a few currents, as little presents.
Post edited August 04, 2022 by Timboli
Timboli: At some point in the near future, perhaps by the time you read this, Time will have turned a corner and be heading back the other way, if in an oblique manner and not directly so. This means instances of Deja Vu will become even more common, and you could even meet your younger self. This is a Universe first, if not a Galactic one.
no, this is not correct. if time was to go backwards, then everything would be exactly the same, the events would be the same, except in reverse order. you will have the same amount of Dejavu as you had when time time was going forward, and you would never meet yourself, as you would be yourself going backwards. in fact, if time was going backwards you would not have any means tell so, as this would be normal state of the universe, i.e. the natural state at that point.
amok: no, this is not correct. if time was to go backwards, then everything would be exactly the same ...
All I can say really, is that you haven't understood the nature of turning a corner and looping back on one's self, especially as I did state 'obliquely', and so not following an identical path in reverse. So in essence, as I understand it, time is still going forward while also going backward, but the complete details are unclear to me.

Anyway, as I also said I am just the messenger, so you need to investigate the known facts and determine all the rest for yourself ... Best Of Luck!

P.S. Like all possibly conspiracies, the truth is not usually straightforward, and a little bent out of shape.
mqstout: Ah, your gran fought and lost in the great rabbit war? Did she also garner defeat in the emu war?
Not so, the rabbits lost the war, and there never was an Emu War.

The rabbits also lost the Dinner Table War, because they have become somewhat of a delicacy now, being rarely eaten, mostly never by most folks here, unlike when I was a child.

You might think that is good news for the rabbits, there being less demand, but because of the Extermination War there is far less of them. In other words, they were very much exterminated in large numbers, and what they were exterminated with is ongoing, and also not something you want present in your dinner, so dinner rabbits need to come from a pure source.
Post edited August 04, 2022 by Timboli
amok: no, this is not correct. if time was to go backwards, then everything would be exactly the same ...
Timboli: All I can say really, is that you haven't understood the nature of turning a corner and looping back on one's self, especially as I did state 'obliquely', and so not following an identical path in reverse. So in essence, as I understand it, time is still going forward while also going backward, but the complete details are unclear to me.

Anyway, as I also said I am just the messenger, so you need to investigate the known facts and determine all the rest for yourself ... Best Of Luck!

P.S. Like all possibly conspiracies, the truth is not usually straightforward, and a little bent out of shape.
and that's exactly where you go wrong. making time go the other way is not like looping back on yourself. you do not exisit in two different states if time stops, and then begin to go the other way. you exisit in only one state, but the new one is reversing it's actions.

The main problem here is that noone really know what time really is, but for the sake of argument we can define it as the reason of cause and event.

So lets say that I am person X, and I have today got the events a,b,c, and d. these evens are dependand on each other. so what would happen is the casual chain of: a --> b --> c --> d. if after event d, time stoped, and then started reversing, I would still be person X, but instead of going forward in time, I would move backwards in time, reversing my exact steps in the reverse order. there would not be two person X, but only one. nor would there be a new chain of events e,f,g, and h, but rather the same chain of events as before in reversed order, so: d--> c --> b --> a.

instead of cause and event, if time is reversed we will do the exact same events, but it would be event and cause.
Post edited August 04, 2022 by amok
amok: and that's exactly where you go wrong. making time go the other way is not like looping back on yourself. you do not exisit in two different states if time stops, and then begin to go the other way. you exisit in only one state, but the new one is reversing it's actions.

The main problem here is that noone really know what time really is, but for the sake of argument we can define it as the reason of cause and event.

So lets say that I am person X, and I have today got the events a,b,c, and d. these evens are dependand on each other. so what would happen is the casual chain of: a --> b --> c --> d. if after event d, time stoped, and then started reversing, I would still be person X, but instead of going forward in time, I would move backwards in time, reversing my exact steps in the reverse order. there would not be two person X, but only one. nor would there be a new chain of events e,f,g, and h, but rather the same chain of events as before in reversed order, so: d--> c --> b --> a.

instead of cause and event, if time is reversed we will do the exact same events, but it would be event and cause.
You are wasting your time providing specifics to me, because I freely admit I know bugger all about the true nature of time, and certainly from my perspective you are just guessing anyway.

Like any good potential conspiracy, it only needs to be correct enough for folk to believe or consider it a possibility.

I am very skeptical when you do something for the sake of an argument.

Like much in life you either work forward from what you know ... or think you know ... or work backward from what you know ... or think you know. And sometimes in reality you know next to nothing. Time especially has a tricky way of behaving.

I've never been real comfortable either around person X. Or that you can call events simple names like a, b, c etc. It all seems rather too convenient to me. I also don't like chains, especially our thoughts being chained by preconceptions.

I am also very careful to try and avoid laying claim to something specific about time and supposed states, possible or not possible. There could be alternate realities and they could interconnect and make a monkey of time.

And I am pretty sure I indicated that time wasn't reversed, but rather in the nature of a loop, in as much as we can understand what that loop exactly is. Perhaps it is more than a loop, or only seemingly a loop ... it could be something else entirely.

We mere mortals try to define things with labels and containment via boxes.

When it comes to time, all is conjecture, despite how we choose to believe otherwise to fit our pet theories. Real science never rules anything out completely.
amok: and that's exactly where you go wrong. making time go the other way is not like looping back on yourself. you do not exisit in two different states if time stops, and then begin to go the other way. you exisit in only one state, but the new one is reversing it's actions.

The main problem here is that noone really know what time really is, but for the sake of argument we can define it as the reason of cause and event.

So lets say that I am person X, and I have today got the events a,b,c, and d. these evens are dependand on each other. so what would happen is the casual chain of: a --> b --> c --> d. if after event d, time stoped, and then started reversing, I would still be person X, but instead of going forward in time, I would move backwards in time, reversing my exact steps in the reverse order. there would not be two person X, but only one. nor would there be a new chain of events e,f,g, and h, but rather the same chain of events as before in reversed order, so: d--> c --> b --> a.

instead of cause and event, if time is reversed we will do the exact same events, but it would be event and cause.
Timboli: You are wasting your time providing specifics to me, because I freely admit I know bugger all about the true nature of time, and certainly from my perspective you are just guessing anyway.

Like any good potential conspiracy, it only needs to be correct enough for folk to believe or consider it a possibility.

I am very skeptical when you do something for the sake of an argument.

Like much in life you either work forward from what you know ... or think you know ... or work backward from what you know ... or think you know. And sometimes in reality you know next to nothing. Time especially has a tricky way of behaving.

I've never been real comfortable either around person X. Or that you can call events simple names like a, b, c etc. It all seems rather too convenient to me. I also don't like chains, especially our thoughts being chained by preconceptions.

I am also very careful to try and avoid laying claim to something specific about time and supposed states, possible or not possible. There could be alternate realities and they could interconnect and make a monkey of time.

And I am pretty sure I indicated that time wasn't reversed, but rather in the nature of a loop, in as much as we can understand what that loop exactly is. Perhaps it is more than a loop, or only seemingly a loop ... it could be something else entirely.

We mere mortals try to define things with labels and containment via boxes.

When it comes to time, all is conjecture, despite how we choose to believe otherwise to fit our pet theories. Real science never rules anything out completely.
there is nothing about how we understand the movement of time that can in anyway create two versions of yourself (unless you now want to put time machines and time paradoxes in here somewhere, but that is an entirely different kettle of cats). Time as we understand it is always directional, but it can work for a loop. if you want to loop time, that only means that the events will happen in a circual casual chain (which you do not like.... a causual chain is for example: a rock is on the table, i push the rock (cause) the rock falls down (event) you can not have an event without a cause. the directions cause and events move in is what we can describe as time).

If you want time to move in a loop, and using the argument of evnts as above, it just means it will create the chain a --> b --> c --> d / a --> b --> c --> d / a --> b --> c --> d / a --> b --> c --> d / a --> b --> c --> d / ad infinitum. there is nothing here that says you will ever meet yourself.
Post edited August 04, 2022 by amok