amok: and that's exactly where you go wrong. making time go the other way is not like looping back on yourself. you do not exisit in two different states if time stops, and then begin to go the other way. you exisit in only one state, but the new one is reversing it's actions.
The main problem here is that noone really know what time really is, but for the sake of argument we can define it as the reason of cause and event.
So lets say that I am person X, and I have today got the events a,b,c, and d. these evens are dependand on each other. so what would happen is the casual chain of: a --> b --> c --> d. if after event d, time stoped, and then started reversing, I would still be person X, but instead of going forward in time, I would move backwards in time, reversing my exact steps in the reverse order. there would not be two person X, but only one. nor would there be a new chain of events e,f,g, and h, but rather the same chain of events as before in reversed order, so: d--> c --> b --> a.
instead of cause and event, if time is reversed we will do the exact same events, but it would be event and cause.
You are wasting your time providing specifics to me, because I freely admit I know bugger all about the true nature of time, and certainly from my perspective you are just guessing anyway.
Like any good potential conspiracy, it only needs to be correct enough for folk to believe or consider it a possibility.
I am very skeptical when you do something for the sake of an argument.
Like much in life you either work forward from what you know ... or think you know ... or work backward from what you know ... or think you know. And sometimes in reality you know next to nothing. Time especially has a tricky way of behaving.
I've never been real comfortable either around person X. Or that you can call events simple names like a, b, c etc. It all seems rather too convenient to me. I also don't like chains, especially our thoughts being chained by preconceptions.
I am also very careful to try and avoid laying claim to something specific about time and supposed states, possible or not possible. There could be alternate realities and they could interconnect and make a monkey of time.
And I am pretty sure I indicated that time wasn't reversed, but rather in the nature of a loop, in as much as we can understand what that loop exactly is. Perhaps it is more than a loop, or only seemingly a loop ... it could be something else entirely.
We mere mortals try to define things with labels and containment via boxes.
When it comes to time, all is conjecture, despite how we choose to believe otherwise to fit our pet theories. Real science never rules anything out completely.