ChristophWr: so wouldn’t it be the best time by now to add proper mouse and keyboard support
No, simply because consoles are still meant to be played in the living room with a big screen, from the sofa or sitting on the floor with your legs crossed. Most people don't want to deal with a keyboard and mouse for gaming from such a setting, even if it is doable (e.g. I am certainly using a wireless keyboard and mouse also from the sofa, but it takes some getting used to).
So, in essence gaming consoles NEED a gaming controller that can be held in the air, in your hands. Hence, the gamepads keep reigning on gaming consoles. Gamepads are jack of all trades, not excelling on pretty much anything, but still being suitable for quite many genres.
Also, for casual and new gamers, learning to play through a simpler gamepad is much easier than trying to learn WASD + mouse controls from a general purpose keyboard + mouse setting. A gamepad-only console is more approachable than a keyboard+mouse system.
ChristophWr: There is not really a point for having a cheaper pc if you want to play on 4k ultra settings so im more into gaming rigs but that was not my question because many pc gamers also play on consoles because of exclusives
There used to be much more of those exclusives with PSOne/PSX and PS2, also on the PC side. Back then it made much more sense to own both a gaming PC, and a gaming console.
Nowadays 90% of the game library, especially for AAA games, is cross-platform. There is much less reason to own both for gaming.
And for those who believe streaming gaming will be the future, I guess it doesn't matter at all what system you use for that, as long as it can connect to the internets.
ChristophWr: Im pretty sure after the upcoming gen they get really beefed up and hardcore gamers will always prefer dedicated hardware and the best experience so every game should support it by than especially for the exclusives
Not if they are playing from the sofa in their living room. I think that is also why e.g. steering wheels and pedals didn't ever become that mainstream on consoles, most players just didn't want to set them up in the living room from their sofa. You can't use the pedals on the floor if you are lying on the sofa sideways, or with your legs raised on the sofa table, or sitting on the floor. You basically need a desktop setting (a table + a good chair) for wheel + pedals, or e.g. a flightstick + pedals for serious flight simulators.