paladin181: Whew. For a minute there I was going to cal l someone and ask, but then I realized that if I am a figment of imagination, any response I received would also be a figment and therefore be totally unreliable. Wait.. Maybe this conversation is a figment of imagination. Oh no.. Am I real? Do I even exist?
StingingVelvet: I know laserdisc collectors dude, if they're real you can be real too.
Now that you mention it, I recall I DID use to have a box to connect my PSX console to my VGA monitor (which I normally used for playing PC games of course).
But I had a very good reason: I had bought the PSX secretly without my ex-girlfriend finding about it, so I wanted to keep it a secret which made it impossible to connect it to our living room TV. I just needed to have it for Gran Turismo and some other PSX exclusives that I wanted to try out.
"Why would you need to hide it from your gf blaa blaa blaa"; because we were kinda short on money at that point of time, so me using money on a new toy wouldn't have sit well on her. But I guess she found out about it later anyway, maybe that is why she is an ex.
Ok I could think of another valid reason: rest of the family using the living room TV, so basically the only way to play your console is to connect it to your monitor. Unless you have a TV of your own in your bedroom, but that is actually quite rare here. I guess in America every room has its own TV, here it is normally just one TV for the whole family; after all there is usually just one TV socket in the whole household, and that is in the living room. Cultural differences and all that.
Nowadays there seems to be less difference between monitors and TVs, TVs are basically bigger monitors with an additional TV receiver. I guess TVs and monitors tend to use different display technologies, but at least I don't have a problem using our TV even for work every now and then (laptop connected to it).
If and when I buy a 65" (or bigger) TV to replace our current 47" TV, it may well be I will just move the 47" TV to my "work room" and use it as a big-ass second (gaming) monitor there.