Jigowatts121: Has anyone here seriously considered giving up on the PC as a gaming platform? at my grand old age of 33 I am really not sure I can be bothered spending the money and the time fighting against this nonsense anymore.
I'm 44 since this past August, and I never thought, not even for a nanosecond, to abandon my beloved PC platform for gaming and everything else.
Despite all the fucked up things and bullshit happening in the field (DRM, Denuvo, online-only crap, micro-EA-shit-transaction), PC is just too fucking good for gaming. It's the only platform where I can still play the same damn games, taken from the same original disks (floppies, CD, DVD etc.) I was already using years and decades ago. DECADES AGO, you cannot beat that.
It just takes a little work, passion, knowledge and equipment (and some occasional tinkering with emulation) to make everything work the way you want. And this platform has been working so damn well for me since the Nineties.
I would be a fucking crazy idiot to give up all this for... what? A closed-system console that needs multi-GB patches for every damn game disc I purchase on day one? No thanks :-D
P.S.The latest triple-A, very modern game I played was Control, purchased and downloaded from GOG.com. No DRM, no online crap, no issues with this one, so there is still hope for the future.
P.P.S.When everything else fails, PIRACY FTW :-P
P.P.P.S.I have been following the HITMAN controversy from afar, and I don't think there is some particularly serious issue in there. Frankly, I don't give a single fuck about that game :-P