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Is it me or has GoG Connect been abandoned? I haven't seen it be implemented in a long time. I have so many games on Steam I wish to get on here too. I hope it hasn't been forgotten.
Every month there's thread about this subject, to the point that even GOG blues have grown tired of posting about the subject. Connect isn't abandoned, since it was never meant to be mainstay. There were some promotions, and connect was a way of making them available. The free games that GOG offers every sale are what used to be Connect.

But even so, blues have made it clear that should the need for Connect arise in the future, such as a grand promo deal, they'll make use it again.
From this post from a blue (SmollestLight) in August 2021:

GOG Connect offers were time-limited and are no longer supported.
Which makes one wonder why there's still a link to the Connect page on the site's footer.
ConsulCaesar: From this post from a blue (SmollestLight) in August 2021:

GOG Connect offers were time-limited and are no longer supported.
ConsulCaesar: Which makes one wonder why there's still a link to the Connect page on the site's footer.
Because they haven’t updated anything on the website for years? Purple dot anyone? You have unread posts loads GOGBEAR etc.
low rated
Yes, it is. It was abandoned a long time ago. It will never come back.
Yes and I hope never does it again due to the PC video gamers that will free load.

So many PC video gamers purchased Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last Light Redux on Steam only to claim a free copy on when they offered those 2 Metro video games. I even posted here on the forums that this is happening.

Purchase your video games again from and support 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free.
"Hey you wanna give away free copies of games for nothing in return" isn't an exciting prospect for publishers.
Catmancer: Is it me or has GoG Connect been abandoned? I haven't seen it be implemented in a long time. I have so many games on Steam I wish to get on here too. I hope it hasn't been forgotten.
As ConsulCaesar has already pointed out, the GOG Connect offers were time-limited and are no longer supported.
Please stick that post, or this will happen again, again and again...
high rated
FulVal: Please stick that post, or this will happen again, again and again...
It will happen again, again and again. Because GOG Connect is still promoted on every GOG page, because its page still claims it works, and even though it doesn't work at all you can still hook up a steam account with it - I checked with a newly created one some time ago.
SmollestLight: As ConsulCaesar has already pointed out, the GOG Connect offers were time-limited and are no longer supported.
Might be a good idea to decouple account link-ups and remove the page and the link to it from the bottom bar for the time being, because otherwise newcomers will keep taking the pitfall and asking support or posting on forum about this.

Although, in hindsight, I think the whole idea wasn't good from the business perspective to begin with. If people buy on Steam (and since many games are cheaper there there's some incentive to for those that don't feel strong about DRM-free gaming), and get a free GOG copy, GOG's profits take a hit, and worse, unlike people who don't have those games on GOG there's no chance they would buy them sometime down the line. I like occasional 90% off offers much more, in any case.
Post edited February 21, 2022 by Chasmancer
Wishmaster777: Yes, it is. It was abandoned a long time ago. It will never come back.
As James Bond would say ... Never Say Never.

While it is currently abandoned, the fact they still provide link access means they have not yet decidedly given up on a future possibility of reviving it.

And while you say long ago, it has only been a year or two or so since the last time it was in use.
Post edited February 21, 2022 by Timboli
low rated
Wishmaster777: Yes, it is. It was abandoned a long time ago. It will never come back.
Timboli: As James Bond would say ... Never Say Never.

While it is currently abandoned, the fact they still provide link access means they have not yet decidedly given up on a future possibility of reviving it.

And while you say long ago, it has only been a year or two or so since the last time it was in use.
It was one of the features that was implemented to attract the new customers back in the days. That and the good practice of regional pricing (because 1$ is not 1€ as they used to say), DRM-free and wallet funds that were added as a difference in pricing. They use the bereaucratic disclaimer sentences like: "It is not active anymore." Sure, even the blind can see that, but they use such a language while they keep the track of things on their store. If they need to sweeten the deals, or boost the image, they will bring it back. But for now, it is better not to hope that it is going to come back any time soon. Like smart people say: hope is not a strategy.
Have you noticed that the bottom label "claim your game" has disappeared? I noticed it today when reading you. It was a page where they said that if you had a physical copy of Stalker and a few more games you could put the print code and claim a free gog copy.
It's just a curiosity, I guess the best thing is that they also remove the Gog Connect label to avoid confusion to new people.
Johnathanamz: Yes and I hope never does it again due to the PC video gamers that will free load.

So many PC video gamers purchased Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last Light Redux on Steam only to claim a free copy on when they offered those 2 Metro video games. I even posted here on the forums that this is happening.

Purchase your video games again from and support 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free.
When you purchase a game, doesn't 70% go to the developer/publisher and 30% to the store?

If so, I think its not consumer-friendly that you have to pay the 70% multiple times if you want to have access to the same game from several stores.

If they want to have access to the same game from a different store, I think the consumer should just have to pay the 30% that is the store's cut, given that operational costs the store incurs are paid for with this amount.

Not saying its feasible for GOG to implement this right now (technically or legally) given the current trends in the industry, but if you want to talk about something that's fair, that would be it: Ownership, regardless of purchase endpoint with the only repeatable cost being the operational cost of whoever holds your games for you. No more captive market.
Post edited February 21, 2022 by Magnitus
The way I see it, is that GOG Connect only ever ran a specific times anyway. At no point did it run continuously or regularly.

It hasn't been used in several years because they haven't decided to use it. They may use it at some point, or they may never use it again but there was never any suggestion that there would be X number of games per year or anything like that.