groze: True, true. I had a piracy phase way back when, since I was too young to know better, didn't have a job and it was a common practice here in Portugal (I think it still is). I remember computers being pre-packed with cracked versions of games, one of my first machines came with Jazz Jackrabbit 2 already installed -- the full version, not the shareware one.
Still, I see so many people dissing Galaxy and pre-orders, that I feel kind of bad for liking the client or pre-ordering games, like I'm a part of something really bad in the video game industry, enabling studios to keep their "bad practice" of pre-orders and the "stealth DRM" that is GOG Galaxy, shaking the "last GOG principle".
Don't forget that "so many people" are nothing more than an extremely small but highly vocal minority who inhabit the forums here, and the forums alone represent an extremely small minority of the entire GOG customer base. On any given day there might be posts here from only hundreds of people, and maybe low thousands over time. Contrast that to the millions of customers GOG has who don't use the forums at all to even know what their opinions are.
Galaxy haters are the minority, and using and enjoying Galaxy to any extent makes you one of the majority, even if it is a relatively silent majority in the grand scheme of things.