Segelbranth09: Battle for Middle-Earth 1 & 2.
Seeing it's impossible to buy them digital anywhere, it would be an amazing release here on Gog!
Agreed, but don't hold your breath considering the licensing issues involved.
And just to make things more fun you have War Of The RIng from Sierra, which his based on the licence for the Tolkien books.where as The Battle for Middle Earth series is based on the licence for the Movies.That's right,there are separate licences for the books and the movies.....
And we have to define what is a series and what is not. The start of this thread mentions a whole slew of Sherlock Holmes games. Problem is Holmes is in the public domain and anybody who wants to make a Sherlock Holmes game can. Not sure games desgined years apart and by separate companies having only the subject matter in common called be called a series. Otherise you could list every World War 2 game ever made as part of a seriee.