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tinyE: That's a con that's been around for ages!

They fill you up on free bread sticks and then sit back and laugh their ass off when you order forty dollars worth of fucking food you can't eat.
RWarehall: I've always liked, "Buy one, get one free".
How free was the second one really when you are forced to pay for the first one...
And how is it that the "All In One" Miracle Tool comes with a free set of screw drivers?
advancedhero: Free unlimited bread sticks?
Now THIS is an idea I can get behind!
advancedhero: Free unlimited bread sticks?
bagels and donuts for me plox
Telika: Trump's discourses, and alt-right discourses.
So I'm right. This is basically what your argument boils down to.
In which case, I suggest we not continue this any further anywhere but PM, because I can absolutely, 100% guarantee you that we will get nowhere, as this is literally nothing more than a matter of opinion.
tinyE: They fill you up on free bread sticks and then sit back and laugh their ass off when you order forty dollars worth of fucking food you can't eat.
That's why they invented the to-go box. A glorious sort of means of fixing this issue.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
advancedhero: Free unlimited bread sticks?
snowkatt: bagels and donuts for me plox
Covered in melted cheddar.
snowkatt: bagels and donuts for me plox
tinyE: Covered in melted cheddar.
urgh now you defiled them !
tinyD the defiler !
snowkatt: bagels and donuts for me plox
tinyE: Covered in melted cheddar.
Dipped in fondue!
tinyE: Covered in melted cheddar.
zeogold: Dipped in fondue!
..oh god
just the idea makes me want to vomit
low rated
Telika: Trump's discourses, and alt-right discourses.
zeogold: So I'm right. This is basically what your argument boils down to.
In which case, I suggest we not continue this any further anywhere but PM, because I can absolutely, 100% guarantee you that we will get nowhere, as this is literally nothing more than a matter of opinion.
The fact that Trump and Alt-Right discourses are inane rants of racist, xenophobic nationalism is not an opinion. Maybe you should start studying them (and extually the history of the extreme-right throughout the 20th century) a tad more analytically than "hey, hello trump supporter and alt-right pundit ? are you madly racist ? no ? okay, noted".

Plus, we are talking of ideologies and worldviews expressed in the forums, in full words, not a mere dance of self-appropriated labels. A moderation should not react to "I support Trump", but to "Refugees are subhuman cannibal terrorist liar criminals". And to "Mexicans are rapists", yes.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Telika
RWarehall: I've always liked, "Buy one, get one free".
How free was the second one really when you are forced to pay for the first one...
tinyE: And how is it that the "All In One" Miracle Tool comes with a free set of screw drivers?
Good one.

I always cringe every time I hear someone bragging about all the money they "saved" when they bought something on sale that they never intended to buy in the first place...
Telika: A moderation should not react to "I support Trump", but to "Refugees are subhuman cannibal terrorist liar criminals". And to "Mexicans are rapists", yes.
This, at least, I can agree on.
zeogold: Just because this forum has a lot of Trump supporters, it's suddenly a bad place?
I'm not sure if that makes it a "bad place" or just "a place Telika doesn't like because of its political opinions".
I mean, I hate Trump as much as you do if not even worse, but I'm not about to go around saying his supporters are trash.
Problem is another one. This is the forum of a company that sells video games. I don't care about your political views or the political views of any other member around here and I don't want to know about it. If you want to discuss politics, please move to the forum of a news-site or something similar.

This place would be a better place if there would be no political threads at all. And maybe it would be clever of GOG to not permit them completely.

Let's discuss video games, let's discuss stuff like DRM or different computer platforms. Let's play harmless games (What's this game,what's this movie, Mafia game, Password game, etc.), but let's keep political views out of this place. It would be much better for everyone.
mm324: I like this because it makes the person voting think about whether their vote is worth the hassle and it stops the bots.
zeogold: I dunno, people might find it annoying. They complained about the login CAPTCHA as it was.
I do think that revealing who's downvoted/upvoted what would go a long way, though.
Finding it annoying is kind of the point. If someone makes a good point, makes you laugh, or is doing something good for the community then you're not annoyed enough to stop you from upvoting them. On the other hand if someone is being a little shit most people will just ignore them because it'd be too annoying to do the CAPTCHA just to downvote them.
PaterAlf: This place would be a better place if there would be no political threads at all. And maybe it would be clever of GOG to not permit them completely.
Well, in a perfect world, we'd be able to discuss our political differences in one thread without letting those grudges carry over to other threads, but I suppose that's a bit unrealistic to expect...
I'm not sure how receptive people would be to the idea of banning political threads, but perhaps a politics subforum would work? Although this begs the question of how that rule is enforced.
zeogold: I dunno, people might find it annoying. They complained about the login CAPTCHA as it was.
I do think that revealing who's downvoted/upvoted what would go a long way, though.
mm324: Finding it annoying is kind of the point. If someone makes a good point, makes you laugh, or is doing something good for the community then you're not annoyed enough to stop you from upvoting them. On the other hand if someone is being a little shit most people will just ignore them because it'd be too annoying to do the CAPTCHA just to downvote them.
Yeah, but this might cause people to stop doing it altogether just from laziness alone. I must upvote like 20 posts a day due to all the funny stuff I see on here.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
zeogold: You keep working off the base assumption that all Trump supporters are racist and so are the alt-right.
On that same logic, I could say that all Hillary supporters are criminals and illegals and that all liberals are mentally disabled.
What prevents me from being any less right than you are?
The way I see it, the very act of supporting Donald Trump is itself racist; hence all Trump supporters are racist by that definition (or at least don't consider racism to be a deal breaker).

On the other hand, the very act of supporting Hillary Clinton is not criminal, nor is at illegal or a sign of mental disability.