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snowkatt: im adressing little tranny boo boo here
Well, guess it left after it got the attention it wanted :P

snowkatt: and bowser has standards ?!
he certainly doesnt have original ideas
While almost inexistant standards, standards nonetheless.

True, but who else would he kidnap... Toad? :P

Also, dinosaurs / reptiles where never really famous for their creativity / originality. And don't get me started about intelligence here.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Habanerose
snowkatt: im adressing little tranny boo boo here
Habanerose: Well, guess it left after it got the attention it wanted :P
sobbing in his blankie again

i fucking edited this !

snowkatt: While almost inexistant standards, standards nonetheless.

True, but who else would he kidnap... Toad? :P

Also, dinosaurs / reptiles where never really famous for their creativity / originality. And don't get me started about intelligence here.
i dunno he could invade the shroom kingdom instead of trying to kidnap that vacuous laughable excuse for a character they call peach ?
Post edited November 19, 2016 by snowkatt
high rated
Do I need to introduce you both to Puzzle-Bot's new cattle prod attachment?
clarry: Speaking of the CM, where the heck is it? I've only heard rumors about such a thing.
Popped up in the "Quest for the Missing Blues!" thread 'bout a week ago. Haven't seen him around for a few days ever since that thread made for him went to pot.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: Do I need to introduce you both to Puzzle-Bot's new cattle prod attachment?
Nope, but TranTran might be up for a ride :P

*imagines Puzzle-bot to look more and more like a creation out of some creepy-ass porn movie*
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Habanerose
clarry: It's funny how everyone wants to run the forum and tell the community manager what to do.

Speaking of the CM, where the heck is it? I've only heard rumors about such a thing.
Habanerose: Guess he went MIA after seeing the first thread... basically pulling a Konrad on us. :P
Well to be honest I'd do the same if I found that a bunch of wannabes are trying to make up the rules on the forum I'm supposed to help manage. :D
clarry: Well to be honest I'd do the same if I found that a bunch of wannabes are trying to make up the rules on the forum I'm supposed to help manage. :D
Unironically, he suggested we give him our input... poor thing didn't know what he set himself up for ;)
Habanerose: Guess he went MIA after seeing the first thread... basically pulling a Konrad on us. :P
clarry: Well to be honest I'd do the same if I found that a bunch of wannabes are trying to make up the rules on the forum I'm supposed to help manage. :D
he actually asked for suggestions

god damn it !
ninja'd !
zeogold: Do I need to introduce you both to Puzzle-Bot's new cattle prod attachment?
Habanerose: Nope, but TranTran might be up for a ride :P

*imagines Puzzle-bot to look more and more like a creation out of some creepy-ass porn movie*
and now im imagining buffalo bill from silence of the lambs
thanks for that

it puts the tranny slurs in the basket or it gets the hose again !
Post edited November 19, 2016 by snowkatt
high rated
Telika: The irony is : Rwarehall completely agrees with me, and strenghtens my point. What he asks for, explicitely, is the "alt right" to be as respected as any other discourse or ideology. The current GOG forum norm is centered around this notion.

I only point out that the respectability of the "alt right" is an obscene notion in and by itself, as post-ww2 societies as a whole (just as most general public forums) used to agree about, hence "hate speech" laws and etiquette rules against "alt right" propaganda.

The very fact that, within the GOG forum's common sense, the "alt right" has to be treated as equivalent to, say, antiracism, humanism, etc, is a clear illustration of the local subculture. This normalisation is a victory. It's a re-definition of the range of the thinkable. And it is a general movement that is also visible in broader, (geo)political contexts.

Nothing escapes this. It's the core of the issue.
Funny, I don't see where I exactly "completely agree with you". And where am I saying that everything the alt-right says needs to be accepted? You sure like to put words in people's mouths...

I do agree that some of those on your "alt-right" spectrum may very well be crossing a line and might belong in potential ban territory. I have to cringe when I see posts, for example, claiming that all Muslims are violent or that the Koran is inherently a violent text which encourages violence as if it's some sort of Satanic bible. Or that all Hillary supporters are part of some grand feminist conspiracy to neuter men. But that is not to say that some Muslims (or some feminists for that matter) have bad (or self-centered) intentions.

But I see the same from the alt-left where anyone supporting Trump is called an idiot, racist, xenophobic, serial killing nut job. Or that disliking or not voting Hillary means one hates all women. Or supporting limits in immigration means one is racist and on and on. I don't really see the difference here. Again, there are racists here and there, but I certainly don't see them as even a sizable minority.

The problem is the extremists on both sides see no nuance.

On immigration, is it so hard to see that there is a valid argument for a country to use infrastructures built for generations for the same citizens who built them? While simultaneously acknowledging that some level of immigration into a country can be a positive thing? Why does it have to be so absolute?

On Trump, I find it even more curious. This is someone who the religious right within the Republican party didn't exactly embrace. The same religious right that the alt-left has been complaining about for years. I'll acknowledge Trump has said some controversial things (but so has Hillary). The real question is which Trump did we get? Is it New York Republican Trump? Blue-state Republicans tend to be very similar to moderate Democrats. As far as I can tell, Trump tends to be fairly liberal when it comes to abortion or even gay rights for example. Or the Trump rhetoric in different states where he seemed to be saying what they wanted to hear (again not that Hillary wasn't doing the same thing).

I have to wonder to what extent Trump has said just enough to win the election and then have to wonder what it is he really believes in. At the very least, the Republican party has been changed. It's not the "Contract for America" party where to be considered a good Republican one had to agree on all of 25 separate points about guns, abortions and everything else.

But I have to wonder if all this alt-left extremism isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy as they push a fairly moderate Trump (besides a couple issues) into the waiting arms of the truly Conservatives.

At the end of the day, none of us really know and everyone proclaiming doom and gloom seem to ignore the fact that Republicans have controlled all three branches in the past (as recently as 2006) and the world hasn't ended yet...
low rated
Telika: This brand of self-serving selective relativism (very self-serving, very selective, as immediately followed by "waargh, them homo gays and muslims and darkies are subhumans, make them invisible or get them out") is exactly what defines GOG's norm right now.
zeogold: You sure about that?
As I said, step in any vaguely political thread (that is, any thread where forumgoers express opinions beyond their favorite FPS subgenre). Check the "good luck america" thread or the "gamergate" thread. Past the first couple of pages, you'll see which ones are the largely dominant views, expressed both through posts and repping. And yes, there has been a cascade of users who simply went "eww" and left the place.

Telika: I only point out that the respectability of the "alt right" is an obscene notion in and by itself
zeogold: And right here is the problem I keep bringing up with you.
And yes, that is exactly the fake relativism that I adressed. The whole "racism, antiracism, just two equivalent opinions" rhetoric, which is actually a huge victory of racism. Plus the issue of global propaganda.

Yes indeed, you keep bringing up this fallacy. And, thankfully, our legal system (and most forum etiquettes) still shut it down.

Telika: Nothing escapes this. It's the core of the issue.
zeogold: Except it isn't.
It is if you're talking of forum moderation. Not only racist statements, being objectively despicable, will trigger brutal reactions as long as there are decent people around, but they also constitute each time a sum of personal insults directed at a large sum of people, present or absent.

You could hardly be more hypocritical than by considering it okay to disparage human groups on the basis of their passports or their phenotypes or their sexual orientation, while being alarmed when an individual is being despised for his ideology (espectally when his ideology is based on disparaging human groups on the basis of their passports or their phenotypes or their sexual orientation). Even if you put aside the motive (despising people for attitudes morality versus despising people for traits -colour, religion, sexuality- independant from any attitude morality), defending the right for racist statements is like defending the right for millions personal gratuitous insults each time. If you consider racism respectable, then you have to consider personal insults respectable. If you accept "muslims are subhuman trash" than you have to accept the (incidentally more justified, as based on direct personal witnessing) "no, you are trash".

There is a whole array of reasons for that. The motive of the insult (having a given skin colour versus truly displaying a stinky mentality), the target of the insult (a person known defined by the statements he makes versus a group of people unknown and completely heterogeneous), the large scale consequences (hate speech propaganda cascading to cultural trends and political social policies), the chronological sequence (a person A insulting an unknown innocent person B based on an irrelevant criterion such as colour, religion, sexuality, and a person C insulting the person A as a reaction to this unreasoned insult). All reasons why "hate speech" moderation is one of the most basic priorities in community management.

Unless that community is built around the idea that "hate speech is just as fine as any other discourse", which is the case here. As illustrated both in these pointless debates about hypothetical moderatiuons, and in any political thread you might wish to visit (which actually veer towards a strongly dominating "hate speech is the best discourse, vote trump", even).
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Telika
Free unlimited bread sticks?
Telika: . Past the first couple of pages, you'll see which ones are the largely dominant views, expressed both through posts and repping. And yes, there has been a cascade of users who simply went "eww" and left the place.
It's only the majority because people like you with liberal viewpoints decide "Eww, I'm not going in there, I don't want to express my thoughts if I'm the minority." Plus, as far as the rep thing goes, let's not forget there's been a couple people who admitted to using alt accounts to sway that.
Telika: And yes, that is exactly the fake relativism that I adressed. The whole "racism, antiracism, just two equivalent opinions" rhetoric, which is actually a huge victory of racism. Plus the issue of global propaganda.

Yes indeed, you keep bringing up this fallacy. And, thankfully, our legal system (and most forum etiquettes) still shut it down.
Ok. So don't just tell me I'm wrong. Telling somebody "You're wrong! Get out!" is censorship if given from either side. It's the classic argument of "cry bigot and they'll go away" or "cry libtard and they'll go away". Instead, tell me WHY I'm wrong.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
advancedhero: Free unlimited bread sticks?
That's a con that's been around for ages!

They fill you up on free bread sticks and then sit back and laugh their ass off when you order forty dollars worth of fucking food you can't eat.
high rated
Telika: Unless that community is built around the idea that "hate speech is just as fine as any other discourse", which is the case here. As illustrated both in these pointless debates about hypothetical moderatiuons, and in any political thread you might wish to visit (which actually veer towards a strongly dominating "hate speech is the best discourse, vote trump", even).
You keep working off the base assumption that all Trump supporters are racist and so are the alt-right.
On that same logic, I could say that all Hillary supporters are criminals and illegals and that all liberals are mentally disabled.
What prevents me from being any less right than you are?

Again, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm not defending racism, I'm not defending hate speech, and I am, by no means, fond of statements which make others uncomfortable. My point is again asking what is it you intend we DO? And WHY should we do this?
So far, the only argument I can perceive from you is "We need to ban all alt-right-leaning users, because they are bigots which ruin this community", which I personally find to be a rather shoddy argument.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
advancedhero: Free unlimited bread sticks?
tinyE: That's a con that's been around for ages!

They fill you up on free bread sticks and then sit back and laugh their ass off when you order forty dollars worth of fucking food you can't eat.
I've always liked, "Buy one, get one free".
How free was the second one really when you are forced to pay for the first one...
low rated
Telika: Unless that community is built around the idea that "hate speech is just as fine as any other discourse", which is the case here. As illustrated both in these pointless debates about hypothetical moderatiuons, and in any political thread you might wish to visit (which actually veer towards a strongly dominating "hate speech is the best discourse, vote trump", even).
zeogold: You keep working off the base assumption that all Trump supporters are racist and so are the alt-right.
On that same logic, I could say that all Hillary supporters are criminals and illegals and that all liberals are mentally disabled.
What prevents me from being any less right than you are?
Trump's discourses, and alt-right discourses.