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high rated
RWarehall: Post 60: Dishonest claim saying I completely agree with you and how all I want is "the alt right to be as respected as any other discourse or ideology." [What honest discourse Talika!]
Telika: You were complaining about my contempt for the "alt right" (post 51). Yes, I have contempt. It deserves it. Trump and his fans do too. Xenophobes and racists do too. Reproaching me this, in my eyes, means demanding me to respect them as I would for any sort of other position that I don't share. I will not, by a long shot.

But I'm happy if it makes you happy.
My point is simple. You are as much of the problem as them. You call people names; conflate their crimes as the worse things that can be imagined. Just the same as them. I see those extremists claim and seemingly think that all Muslims are violent and ready to kill all others not like them. They have their reasons. Did not groups of Muslims attack and kill people in the name of their religion? Innocent people at that? So I understand where they are coming from. I get it. I just don't agree with what they have become; the direction their anger has taken them. And especially how they blame the whole religion for the actions of a few.

I see you as an extremist who sees anyone who votes for Trump or dared consider voting for Trump as completely racist and xenophobic. I get it. It's remeniscent of a bygone era. Frustrated people banded together and cast blame on other races and religions and started a world war. But why are you blaming every Trump supporter? They didn't start World War II. Many had reason to vote the way they did that had nothing to do with racism. But you in your infinite lack of wisdom cannot see through your own hate and have chosen to polarize. You are as bad as those you detest. It's very obvious. You have drunk the Kool-Aid so much that you cannot see straight and see

I see both of you as short-sighted idiots blinded by their own hatred. And as the forum goes, and I wouldn't be all that sad to see them go, if all those who are judging people en masse and spreading this hate are censored, then so should be you and dtgreene. Because both of you two hate masses of people based on differences you aren't even trying to understand.

All of you are the problem and both sides see themselves as right enough that they cannot even see in the mirror that they are just as bad as those they are complaining about. Both of you in your infinite lack of wisdom cannot see through your own hate and have chosen to polarize. You are as bad as those you detest. It's very obvious. You have drunk the Kool-Aid so much that you cannot see straight.

Like I said, I wouldn't be sad to see the worst cases of prejudice gone. But Telika, you and dtgreene should also be gone for your clear and vocal prejudice against so many for so little reason. Both of you are just as bad. Pot and Kettle both complaining about each other.
low rated
zeogold: Quickly! tinyE has appeared! Rub the ball to grant a wish which will save us!
tinyE: I just came in to make fun of Regals for a second. He left himself open and I couldn't pass it up. I shan't be staying in here, though I'm having fun in the "tea thread" if anyone needs me.
Yup I showed up and shared fun fact
low rated
zeogold: dtgreene, you need to learn that other people have opinions that differ from your own, and just because they differ doesn't mean they're wrong. The minute you finally realize this is when you start to overcome your insane egotism.
zeogold, you need to learn that "opinions" that minorities do not deserve equal rights, or that minorities do not deserve to be respected, are not ever justified. (This is especially significant if you happen to be talking to somebody who is in such a minority group.)
dtgreene: zeogold, you need to learn that "opinions" that minorities do not deserve equal rights, or that minorities do not deserve to be respected, are not ever justified. (This is especially significant if you happen to be talking to somebody who is in such a minority group.)
I AM a minority.
low rated
dtgreene: zeogold, you need to learn that "opinions" that minorities do not deserve equal rights, or that minorities do not deserve to be respected, are not ever justified. (This is especially significant if you happen to be talking to somebody who is in such a minority group.)
zeogold: ...........................................................................
I AM a minority.
No you are only minority if the white liberal declares you are... get it right
low rated
RWarehall: The current topic seems to be about who should be banned for "hate speech" and the two proponents of banning large segments of this forum are Telika and dtgreene. There wouldn't be much of a discussion without the other side else we'd have another echo chamber...

One who thinks anyone should be banned for even suggesting immigration should be limited at all and the other who thinks all Trump supporters should be banned or silenced.
Actually, you are mischaracterizing my view about those who should be banned and silenced; I only think that those users who actually have repeatedly been nasty towards specific users or been using offensive language (and possibly other severe violations) should be banned or silenced. There aren't that many users like this (take a look at the forum as a whole, not just this topic), but I can see 2 users who have made such posts in this topic, and 1 who posted early in the topic who has elsewhere posted such nasty language.

Even though I consider the act of supporting Trump to be racist, I wouldn't consider claiming to support Trump, by itself, to be a bannable offense on this forum.

RWarehall: One who thinks anyone should be banned for even suggesting immigration should be limited at all and the other who thinks all Trump supporters should be banned or silenced.
Telika: You are trolling here, which makes you a twat.

I explicitely stated that moderators should intervene at straightforward, direct racist statements, and that such statements would emerge only if a discussion digs beyond pseudo-rational forms of xenophobia. Plus, I didn't equate intervention with bans.

You are therefore dishonest. And that does it.
Agreed, but that should also be applied for similarly direct sexist, ableist, homophobic, and transphobic statements.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by dtgreene
dtgreene: zeogold, you need to learn that "opinions" that minorities do not deserve equal rights, or that minorities do not deserve to be respected, are not ever justified. (This is especially significant if you happen to be talking to somebody who is in such a minority group.)
zeogold: ...........................................................................
I AM a minority.
Hey, are minorities rated on some kind of scale? What happens when my minority outranks your minority? Do we go to minority court to get a ruling? Where can one get a minority card? Does it guarantee discounts at Denny's?
zeogold: ...........................................................................
I AM a minority.
TARFU: Hey, are minorities rated on some kind of scale? What happens when my minority outranks your minority? Do we go to minority court to get a ruling? Where can one get a minority card? Does it guarantee discounts at Denny's?
low rated
zeogold: That wasn't SUPPOSED to be the current topic. As a matter of fact, that was the EXACT topic I was specifically trying to avoid.
Habanerose: And that's why both RWarehall and me mentioned *light moderation* (see my initial suggestions) and avoiding the pitfall of giving in to either extremist side of the spectrum... and then Telika and Dtgreene started doing exactly that, arguing in favor of their extremist side while wanting everyone else to be getten rid off.

Typical "either your with us or against us"-mentality...
Actually, to me light moderation would be enough to get rid of a large portion of the posts in this thread directed at me.

I'm not an extremist; I just feel that people should not be disrespected just because of who they are.
TARFU: Hey, are minorities rated on some kind of scale? What happens when my minority outranks your minority? Do we go to minority court to get a ruling? Where can one get a minority card? Does it guarantee discounts at Denny's?
I see your race card and cast...cattank!
cattank-1.png (285 Kb)
dtgreene: I'm not an extremist; I just feel that people should not be disrespected just because of who they are.
Most people aren't mad at you because of who you are.
Most people are mad at you for what you do.
low rated
LiquidOxygen80: How about you stop insulting people who haven't insulted you?
I haven't been insulting any users who haven't insulted me. (The language that some people on the forum have used counts as insulting me.)
TARFU: I see your race card and cast...cattank!
I card!
dtgreene: I haven't been insulting any users who haven't insulted me. (The language that some people on the forum have used counts as insulting me.)
Calling people "bigot" is an insult.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
RWarehall: I see you as an extremist who sees anyone who votes for Trump or dared consider voting for Trump as completely racist and xenophobic. I get it. It's remeniscent of a bygone era. Frustrated people banded together and cast blame on other races and religions and started a world war. But why are you blaming every Trump supporter? They didn't start World War II. Many had reason to vote the way they did that had nothing to do with racism. But you in your infinite lack of wisdom cannot see through your own hate and have chosen to polarize. You are as bad as those you detest. It's very obvious. You have drunk the Kool-Aid so much that you cannot see straight and see
I'll repeat my point here. If a non-racist person voted for Trump, that person *did not consider racism to be a dealbreaker*, and that tells you something rather uncomfortable about the person. A person who would not consider something major like that (or sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.) to be a dealbreaker is not somebody I would want as a friend.

dtgreene: zeogold, you need to learn that "opinions" that minorities do not deserve equal rights, or that minorities do not deserve to be respected, are not ever justified. (This is especially significant if you happen to be talking to somebody who is in such a minority group.)
zeogold: ...........................................................................
I AM a minority.
Just be aware that, while you may be a minority in one respect, you might not be in other respects, and you do not automatically understand that other minority.

How would you feel if people were using slurs to attack the minority that you're part of? (Or one of them, if there's more than one.)
Post edited November 20, 2016 by dtgreene
high rated
dtgreene: I'll repeat my point here. If a non-racist person voted for Trump, that person *did not consider racism to be a dealbreaker*
Or maybe they value actual policy and action over personal views.
They didn't consider racism to be an automatic dealbreaker because they were smart enough to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater and deny that a person has good ideas just because of something they said or did.
As much as I despise Trump, I have no proof that he'll actually take racist actions as president. That would be to say Obama somehow helped black people just because he was black.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by zeogold